an a white big floor there are some black stylized lines. just a whole vision suggests that the lines combines the five continents borders. the world. guns, airplanes, explosions, shouts and laments create the martial, enervating sound ambient. in the northern part of the world there is a white toilete bowl with a red velvet pillow. in the southern part eight big tubes. thanks to vvvv+proximity sensor, when a visitor sit down on the toilet bowl each tubes pull out from the underground a voice. voice of people who fighted, denounced and lived a war. moving on the floor from a voice to another, visitors leave their foot-print and paint a still-life: a bloody world.
art direction/IxD/set design: mariano leotta
sound design: ex-directory, kim-iya
Day of contemporary art, curated by AMACI, Leggere Strutture Factory, Bologna
Border, curated by Silvia Moro, Casa Morigi, Milan
M3-metrocubo curated by Cristina Olivieri and Valeria Giuliani, Fuoricentro, Livorno
Y+quasar, curated by Cinzia Scordia, ZO Centro Culture Contemporanee, Catania
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