helo evvvveryone,
let's try something different: how about you find a bug in vvvv/vl and you get a LattePanda in return?
We're targeting the beta35 release for end of this year. beta35 will easily be the most feature-rich release of vvvv ever in that it will be coming with a new alternative visualprogramming language called VL, besides quite some other new stuff and bugfixes.
In order to make sure beta35 gets a good start we're on a feature-freeze in the alpha-builds now and are planning to invest the coming weeks for bug-fixing only. And this is where you come in: We'd like to encourage you to give the latest alpha-build a ride and see if you stumble upon anything that we better have fixed in beta35.
Every bug counts, but note that for this bughunt we're specifically interested in bugs that are new in current alpha builds. So either a bug in one of the new features (listed below), or something that did work in beta34.2 but now is broken.
We have 2 prizes to give:
Both are the same LattePanda PC:
Our prominent jury consisting of core devvvvs gregsn, elias, tonfilm, robotanton and myself will judge your submissions by the following criteria:
We realize it may be harder for you to find bugs in VL since there isn't any proper documentation or demo yet. We hope you can see this as an extra challenge. Use it as you would intuitively use it and see what you stumble upon. You're of course also very welcome to ask any kinds of questions regarding VL on IRC? or in the forum and we'll try to guide you to your first bugreport..
To give you an idea of what to look forward to with beta35 and where to specifically check for bugs, here is a collection of the most recent relevant blog-posts introducing new features:
So if all goes well the two of you will own a little LattePanda and we all will have a shiny new beta35 by end of the year. What do you think?
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