» 2DLight (DX11.Texture)
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2DLight (DX11.Texture)

Credits: Matt DesLauriers, timpernagel, mburk


A module to generate a light/shadow-texture based on a 2D texture-input.

Ported from a super well documented OpenGL version by Matt DesLauriers:https://github.com/mattdesl/lwjgl-basics/wiki/2D-Pixel-Perfect-Shadows

Check out the link for deeper information about the used techniques.

Make sure to use it with the latest DX11-pack and have fun!


2DLight (DX11.Texture).zip
24.03.17 [17:35 UTC] by timpernagel | 960 downloads

guest 24/03/2017 - 19:19

cool one! tried to port that thing few years ago and got nowhere.. thx for sharing

velcrome 25/03/2017 - 00:45

this is so cool, I feel instantly reminded of indie games

going down that rabbit hole, could one employ a similar pixelshader technique to render a angular field of view for each "light"? so as to check, if a certain pixel is in view of any one "light"?

jawww 25/03/2017 - 08:14

looks great, will check it soon! thx!

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