» Ableton Link
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Ableton Link

Credits: https://github.com/comoc


a technology that synchronizes musical beat, tempo, and phase across multiple applications running on one or more devices. Applications on devices connected to a local network discover each other automatically and form a musical session in which each participant can perform independently: anyone can start or stop while still staying in time. Anyone can change the tempo, the others will follow. Anyone can join or leave without disrupting the session.


GPL license, because link is also

sources on github



05.07.17 [19:30 UTC] by soriak | 1147 downloads


05.07.17 [20:08 UTC] by soriak | 780 downloads

StiX 06/07/2017 - 14:15
  • tips hat, continues making beats*
gerrit 19/11/2017 - 18:20

Nice, it ist really great! Thank you!

seltzdesign 21/02/2018 - 19:49

Wow, so cool, it just works. Any chance for getting it to work with Link V3, so it can sync start/stop as well? http://cdm.link/newswires/ableton-link-v3-brings-start-stop-sync-and-now-its-in-audiobus-too/

soriak 07/03/2018 - 20:28

@seltzdesign if you have a chance you can test it here https://github.com/lukasIO/AbletonLink-vvvv/releases/tag/v0.2 x64 version

seltzdesign 13/09/2018 - 11:39

@soriak. So I am finally getting around to integrating ableton link in to our vvvv patch. I tried the new version and it works really well with the current Ableton Live 10.

What it really needs though, is the support for start/stop sync, so that a) the beat counter in vvvv doesn't continue if it is stopped everywhere and is reset automatically if it is reset in ableton and b) that you can start and stop from vvvv.

I know start-stop-sync is still a new feature in V10 of Ableton, but its the killer feature, so that I can start and stop something in Ableton on another computer (a Mac) from vvvv and have something in vvvv stop if I hit stop in Ableton.

Thanks for considering to include this.

seltzdesign 31/01/2019 - 13:18

Hi @soriak.

Sorry I was trying it with the version here and not the one on Github. It says in the link that it is still version 0.2 so I thought it was the same.

Now I finally came around to testing it and it works. There is one bug though: once its connected and playing, I can start and stop from vvvv which is awesome. But when you press "Reset" once the start stop functionality doesn't work any longer till you restart vvvv. The setting of BPM still works, but start and stop are not after reset.

Also the beat counter doesn't sync properly. It just keeps running, even when its stopped and restarts from 1.1.1 in Ableton.

Is it possible to fix that bug and add the proper syncing of the beat counter? The phase and tempo already syncs just fine.


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joreg: vvvvTv S02E00 is out: Sensors & Servos with Arduino: https://visualprogramming.net/blog/2024/vvvvtv-is-back-with-season-2/