Credits: unc,vux,colorsound
Draw In 3d Space using splines, grids, particles with HTC VIVE VR Controllers.
A humble TiltBrush Version.
Most logic in CS, output as GSFX.
Spreadable Grow Splines.
Spreadable Radius.
Spreadable Color.
VR GUI Control.
Early versión lots to optimised and many features to add but pretty fun to play with it.
Enjoy ¡¡
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~30d ago
Hallo I am not able to draw properly, it just paints some white dots and never the selcted color, the meshes appears sometime randomly pressing the triggers..
Hi did you do the initiation resetting. I think it could be also it took controllers in wrong order i need to change the transform from controllers from left right no general, otherwise the controllers transformation could have diferent index order each time you open the patch. I need to fix that for next version
. As workaround close steamvr and inverse put controllers phisicly in left right. Then turn on again.
Try again now, the transform sorting is fixed and also after moving to vvvv_50beta35_x64 and vvvv-packs-dx11-1.0.1-x64 , the initiation bug is gone.
So it should work out of the box now.
Still some issues here, the trace becomes visible then disappears, it apperas back clicking the trigger a few times, weird.
Hi, yes i found a bug that was creating some gaps disapearing some time. i think i have fixed it for next versión. i guess it is what you mean. cheers