Installation instructions:
- Put the unzipped folder on a location in your computer, desktop is ok.
- choose the right version of the packet. Patches are tested both on a b27 winXP machine and a b29 win7 machine.
- Basically, if you have a Emotiv EPOC (also non-research editions) you just need to install Mind Your OSC's application and Mind your OSC's RAW version-COD. It's also suggested to install Emotiv Development Kit. You can download the last version on Emotiv website ( http://www.emotiv.com/ ).
- You must have at least VVVV b27 installed and working on your machine, don't forget add-ons.
- Connect the emotive EPOC USB receiver, turn on the headset then launch Mind Your OSC's or Mind your OSC's RAW version-COD if you want to work with raw EEG data.
- Launch VVVV patches marked with "START" to see some practical examples and theory on how to use EEG to control VVVV!
More infos about my workshops and events involving brainwaves and art: http://tangible-feelings.wikispaces.com/
Does the patch also work with EMOTIV Insight ?
Thank you!
No it doesn't
U can't use MindYourOSC with Insight ( only with Epoc at the moment)
Insight is rubbish... I had 2 of them and got rid of both. My old Epoc is still the best, although it's sensor contacts get corroded easily (electrode oxidation) and it's a pain to clean!
Emotiv recently updated the firmware on all of their headsets and a new version of Mind Your OSC's was released on 10/31/16. The new release comes with support for the Insight. Any chance you could revamp and update this to work with the new additions?