Credits: MadMapper, DominikKoller
Inspired by MadMapper and mapping-toolkit (alpha) badMapper allows to select multiple rectangles from a SourceRenderer and distort those (via homography) in a DestinationRenderer.
Provide a texture with your own content, point your projector to the surfaces you want to be mapped and go fullscreen on it with the Destination Renderer. Create/place/size selections in the Source and then drag their corresponding cornerpoints to their targetposition by directly operating in the Destination Preview Renderer. Selections can be tweaked pixelprecise via keyboard, vertices snap, mappings can be saved/loaded, ... which makes this a perfectly usable tool for simple scenarios.
Built in an ultra-modular fashion that allows it to be easily adapted to a DX11 version.
Also available via github.
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Haha love the name :)
whats this xy node that is missing ?=
probably not missing but you're not running latest vvvv, see: new-vector-swizzle-nodes-and-vector-joinsplit-up-to-5x-faster
ups, i just notice that, your reply was too fast!
Nice tool! TYVM! Would be great if it has keyboard controls to select and move cornerpoints more carefully.
I uploaded a DX11 version which is working, but not nice (texts are wrong format, contains a lot of hacks for strange Transform behaviours -- Billboard not working as I expected etc., no wireframe). Would be cool if someone makes it better, though.
im currently have the vvvv b32.1 x64. If i open the badMapper (dx9) help patch its open but the badMapper node turn red (its like it missing node). can anyone help me why its happening?
@artifak: as mentioned above badmapper v3 needs b>32.1 so try again with b33.1 please.
@joreg owh i thought its from b32.1 to the newest, oke oke thx for the explanation ad suggestion :)
Hi, Just stumbled on Bad Mapper.
It is assumed that the polygons have four vertices. What if I want a polygon with more or less vertices for masking?
I changed bin size for polygons in the sub folder patches. But then I started to get weird shaped textures. No wonder :)
How do I do it?
Thanks, Bad Mapper is cool.
@anonym_hk You have to apply masks to the content before putting it into badMapper. badMapper cannot do any masking (for now). It would be a lovely feature, I agree!
Maybe someone wants to give it a try? ;)
hey guys,
i love badmapper, but i also love dx11, so i've made a conversion of the latest v3 bad mapper.
Now i'm in the point that i have a badmapper that works identical in dx9 or dx11 (in the same module), but probably is more convenient to create a dx11 only badmapper (only a matter of cutting pieces now).
anyway, if someone is interested, here it is
totally agree with u
@screamer that does not sound like the way to go. essentially you'd only have to create DX11 versions of those modules that are now there as DX9 modules only. then they can happily live sidebyside. see?
@joreg: yes, i agree, and in fact, after confirming to myself that quite all is working in dx11, i'm going to delete all the dx9 part and polishing the dx11 part a bit, just to have both versions working indipendently.
you can say that the one i posted is only the first rough conversion, but seems to work in the most substantial parts.
i've found a problem in dx11 about ActiveWindow not giving the correct handle (i've written a forum post with an example attached, and you can find it here: activewindow(windows)-dosent-give-the-right-windows-handle-with-dx11-render
here we are, this is the DX11 only version. Not perfect, i still have some graphical differences (text without the brush, different size of some GUI parts, some nonclosed lines in the GUI, and last, i'm not the most clean patcher here, so don't expect clean subpatches as the original was :)
but for all the rest, seems to do the job quite well
@screamer: I´m really interested in your dx11 version, could you reupp it?
I´m pretty new to vvvv, so even after reading a load of tutorials I have no clue what to change in that "ultra-modular fashion that allows it to be easily adapted to a DX11 version." :)
@Amerlander: need to find a backup, or to redo the porting again, gimme some time to sort it out ;)
Here we are, i've found my backup, there was some things no more working, but now it should work with the latest beta of vvvv, let me know
wow great, the test setup with spout and AfterFX works like a charm now. Thank you! :)
I'm working with vvvv b32.1 x64 and i already did all my Patches. But now i need to map video. And for that i need a bad Mappen, which is as i get working only with another Version? But if i open my patch in another one, some things such Hit Boxen turning red.
How can i map my video in this Situation
you should really get your patch working with beta35 first. please start a new forum thread about your troubles when opening your patches with beta35.
Dear joreg
i tried using bad mapper again and it still an absolutely awesome patch, but i wonder can i use multiple texture or source to the badmapper and have different polygon for every texture? for example i use texture A for polygon 0 and switch to texture B for polygon 1 and so on.
thank you
@artifak in order to do this you'll have to first "merge" the textures to one, by e.g. rendering them together in an extra renderpass and then using that combined result as input to the badMapper. hope that explains..
@joreg ehmmm did you mean by merge it first in another renderer and pass them using dx9texture?
@artifak: exactly..using dx9texture..
is it possible to get this to work with two or renderer which render different parts of the texture to cover different angles of the "real world image"?
@knoeterich for sure this can be adapted to your needs. only it would kinda go beyond the scope of a simple answer here. try to take steps in the direction and ask more specific questions on the forum as they arise.
Good hey mates from Wisp...!
Working with severals beamers with badmapper and boygrouping.
We are looking for a method to save renderers positions.
Problem is when closing and saving from server or client, the position is lost and we have to manage it each time we restart.
Thanks !
@Aurel maybe you need the SetRenderer node from here: setrenderer-(ex9)
As the link for the badmapper dx11 version doesn´t work anymore would it be possible that anyone uploads the conversion of badmapper for dx11 again? This would be really great. Many thanx Stephan
I just started working with vvvv, should I be using this with beta35? when I open the patch in beta39 the badmapper node is red.
@madPhan you can write @screamer to get his attention since he was the one who shared the dx11 version...
@Urbachd cannot confirm. just tested this to work with latest b39. you're not missing the addonpack, are you?
@Joreg I do not have the dx11 add on pack, I believe that is the problem with badmapper's node being red. @Iorec brought that up as well. I'll install the add and post the results.
@urbachd you don't need the dx11 pack for badMapper. only the addonpack that since b39 is by default installed by the installer.
Oh,OK. Thanks!
can anybody the provide me the DX11 version of badMapper @screamer did? All the links from above seem to be dead unfortunately :/
Im interested in the dx11 version too!
+1 for the DX11 version. Cheers!
@noir very very good thanks a million
thx alot!