Credits: Martins Upitis, ported by antokhio
Mega thanks to Martins Upitis made available this samples online.
ported and adopted by antokhio
make sure tfx labeled martins upitis in help patch v4 may take another SSAO for somereason
notes about DoF:
for manual focus to work make sure u are setting up Focus Distance (first pin on shader)
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well done !
thx for sharing
hey anton,
the SSAO seems not working here
@u7angel, drag and drop the tfx from the folder. There is a SSAO file already in addon pack and vvvv is using this one by default instead of Anton's one.
nice DoF..
it could be cool to add a default focus value
so when there's no object in the field of view
we keep the focus on a desired point?
@guest just have a look inside the inspector. there ar tons of hidden parameters.
I just discovered these little gems, amazing how fast, clean and easy they work. And they only need depth channel, great. Thank you for porting Antokhio, that is so useful!
I got one question about the DOF autofocus: I like it, but it does adjust very quickly, nearly instantly, when a new object comes into center of view. Is there a way to adjust the speed of this? I studied to code of the shader but got lost.
And another question: In case one would want to use both, would it make any sense speedwise - if possible - to merge them into one shader?
the autofocus has to be done with compute shader, I haven't really needed it for my purpose need to add that one piece...
These are fantastic! Thanks antokhio!
Got some great results instantly here!
One thing I'm struggling with using your (BEAUTIFUL!) DOF: when in autofocus mode, the actual focus area is really nice and tight, literally a hairs-breadth. I'm aiming for the "looking at something incredibly tiny" effect, so this is exactly the look I need.. I'm sort of with Meierhans on the subject of jumpy focus however, so I want to use manual control. The problem I have in manual mode is that I can't seem to get any near-blur working? Thanks to the useful blur highlighting mode you've built in I can get the far-start and far-end where I like them, but everything in front is in focus no matter what input i give the near-start and near-end controls... Using the highlighting mode, this area just stays orange no matter what I do? :(
Am I missing something here?
Again, thanks for such awesome and resource-light effects! Props!
Hey man! This is a straight port, so code is't mine originally, i rember i had same trouble however, if u use manual mode be sure to unhide in inspektor ALL the params specially the FIRST one. Lemme know if u still struggle after checking them out...
Brilliant! Turns out you're right! Cracked it, thanks! :)