Credits: NSYNK, NVIDIA, vux for dx11, microdee for his public repos
HBAO+ is a high effiency screen-space ambient occlusion (SSAO) algorithm developed by NVIDIA.
This is a direct port for the vvvv dx11 pipeline by vux, made by exposing managed vvvv dx11 into native C++ dx11.
Source is available at: https://github.com/dboleslawski/VVVV.HBAOPlus
In case any bugs show up, please report them here: https://github.com/dboleslawski/VVVV.HBAOPlus/issues
Wrapper & Nodes use the MIT license
HBAO+ is licensed via the GameWorks Binary SDK EULA https://developer.nvidia.com/gameworks-sdk-eula
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Do need to do anything else for install?
I get in tty:
00:00:31 ERR : System.DllNotFoundException in HBAOPlus-vvvv: Unable to load DLL 'HBAOPlus-bridge-vvvv.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)
I'm using vvvv b36 X64 and dx11 1.3
it is working here, out of the box
works here too, just dropped it into packs. beta36 64-bit with dx11 v1.3... super nice quality AO, love it! thanks a lot for this contribution.
works for me as well, been experiencing some glitches when switching renderers, rewiring texture ressources, or having HBAO+ in a second patch like the help patch at the same time.
vvvv was freezing on me and hovering texture pins would introduce a 1-2 second lag until vvvv recovered and a tooltip was shown.
Will check tomorrow again to reproduce.
Thank you!
Big up Dennis
Getting the same error as everyoneishappy. Any solution?
Great contribution, thanks! Including custom normal buffer would actually be a nice feature, I would definitlely encourage / support to add this.
really cool stuff - great work dennis!
everyoneishappy, seltzdesign: Guess my project configuration is a bit off, the plugin is asking for the Debug runtime (compiled as release though..), which is prolly missing on your machines. For now, drop these into the core folder. Next update I'll try to fix this.
readme: sounds like I skipped handling some states - in case you find out how to reproduce these, lemme know. Would like to tackle these issues, ty!
mburk: already played around with a lil bit, shouldn't take too long to release that too!
dennis: I have placed and unblocked the dll's next to the other ones in their corresponding core folders, but still getting red node. Tried on 2 other machines and same thing :/
happen the same error to me....copy dlls and get same problem on an msi gt72 with nvidia gtx980
seltzdesign, AKa-visuals: Could finally reproduce the problem, installing the Windows 10 SDK did the trick. (tick only the "Windows SDK for Desktop C++ x86/amd64" boxes, size is quite big) https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/downloads/windows-10-sdk
Hopefully it'll work now. Will fix this later.
@dennis yep after installing win 10 sdk works here, thanks.
yo! I've forked this thing and I will convert it to C++/CLI so you don't have to PInvoke static functions and can keep track of multiple instances of HBAO with multiple contexts
it's a great thing btw, I immediately threw my current SSAO stuff into garbage
boom done
there you go: https://github.com/dboleslawski/VVVV.HBAOPlus/pull/3
v v nice microdee, I‘ll look at it and merge it tomorrow! Thank you
I am getting exception even after installing microsoft sdk
00:00:24 ERR : Exception occured in TMPluginWrapperNode.Evaluate
00:00:24 ERR : Unable to load DLL 'HBAOPlus-bridge-vvvv.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)
I think I might have found a bug. If you add a Switch(Node) to the output just before the renderer in the help file and you switch to something else once, it will either crash vvvv or cause all render output to be black.
If you add a preview to HBAO it doesnt happen.
Seems like HBAO doesn't like being turned off ;)
edit: here is the error message after the switch
StiX, seltzdesign: thanks for finding those bugs! I'm currently working on an update fixing most of these issues, should be done by the end of this week.
Hi, Any one can point out whats the problem with the
Unable to load DLL 'HBAOPlus-bridge-vvvv.dll'
error massage?
I see some people have no problem using it
what tekcor said..
followed the fixes from the comments but still the same error :/
edit: ok silly me, have replaced the core folders from the google drive download. but of course you have just to add the vcruntime140d.dll to the folders. @tekcor maybe you were silly too ;) it works now..
edit2: Anyway the demo scene eats 100% of my GTX 1050 at 25fps.. :/
Still haven't gotten around on updating it properly. A version that does normal input and supports multiple instances (thank you microdee) exists in the Github repo, sadly still needs some polish.
tgd: Check the Sphere etc. nodes in the help patch, I think I set the resolution of them a tad to high without thinking..
Would love to try, preview looks great
I'm with vvvv_50beta37_x86, I get a HBAO+ red node when connected to a render.
Any idea dennis ?
On the machines that i have tried and have Unity installed it works. But on clean machines it does not.
I assume there is a library missing on plain windows install.
Just got feedback from Dennis on github, problem now fixed if that could help others:
I did a clean install of "vvvv_50beta37_x86" + DX11 and it's now running like a charm !
(I think I got lost with an older vvvv version + Win 10 SDK / unity threads, but actually with latest clean install it's fine !)
It looks beautiful, Thanks Dennis !
Just disconnected the depth map going to HBAO+ and it really didn't like that. vvvv ram usage shoots up to around 13gb (the max available of the 16gb in my machine). TTY showing HBAO+ "not set to an instance of an object" message.
Could you set it so if no depth map is connected it is just disabled internally? vvvv keeps crashing on me without the depth map, even after restart.
This is on beta36.
Doesn't work on 50beta38.1 for me.
Fresh install (+ dx11 pack)
Error message:
edit: Sorry..didnt read the thread. You should add installation comments for those who only read contribution infos :)