pixelshader functions resource
v1 includes:
maybe a bunch of single effects, which are combining differnt functions can be avoided this way...
feedback and tell me whats missing, plz
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Nice collection to "chrush some blacks" :)
And big thumbs up for the Mattes!!
very usefull ;)
thx for the flowers, guys!
any suggestions, what's missing for the basics? or other feedback?
Spreadable key-colors would be funny. what is a .FXH vs a .FX ??
And the Hue/Saturation filter, with colorize function, like in Photoshop is something I could use.
actually you can do the spreading of keycolors yourself. thats why its a FXH.
there simple functions wrapped in these fxh files. so if you for example need a shader to control saturation, contrast and then keying out the green, you don't need to copy paste everything together but just include the .fxh and call the functions like:
and in the pixelshader
hope is, that this could prevent a lot of similar shaders (f)lying around
Create Work, Create Help, Thanx
Create contibution. Thanks!
I try to create an allinOne FX but with no result...
An idea?
Thanks a lot
@deby: whats the error in the editor?
are the fxh files positioned beside the fx you are editing?
and you probably have to switch to shader model 2.0 at least. (technique -> pass p0 -> PixelShader...)
Hello woei,
the error appears here:
float4 PS(vs2ps In): COLOR
col = Contrast(col);
col = Invert(col);
col = Levels(col);
col = Saturation(col);
col = Tonecurve(col);
return col;
the fxh files are in the same directory as the pixelshader.
I am totally beginner in programming pixelshader...
@deby: which line exactly does the error appear? and did you set the shader model in the technique to 2.0 or 3.0?
Hello woei,
Can you help me?
All nodes in this pack don't work with DX11, but work with DX9. What could be the problem?
Pin "Technique" is red
I can give you additional if you need.
Or may be you know another good pack for working with image.
@deby: Why is your pixelshader called PS() but your pass calls GREY()?