» IndexSpread
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This module, fed with an integer, returns a spread of indices suitable for (m)any mesh.
Pattern is:


Changing this pattern is strongly suggested, as nice results can be achieved, but make sure to save your patch, first.

Help patch included.

Would it be useful having a spreadable Input? Suggestions on improvement?

Hope is useful.



14.06.12 [14:21 UTC] by h99 | 944 downloads

mrboni 14/06/2012 - 15:04

how does that work then?

h99 14/06/2012 - 19:07

Good question.
Well, create a randomspread and with it substitute the vertices position spread of box (link the output pin of randomspread <EDIT to the count linked to the "/" linked> to vertexbuffer down IndexSpread). Then change to any value its spreadcount.

Here is working fine. Let me know, please.

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