Credits: Addonpack, DX11, 50beta35.8
Keyboard GUI, edit map keys to make a custom keyboard like Danish, Finnish, Czech keyboard for example.
Design your own keys textures (3 textures to make all keys, normal Key like A, Z, E, R, T, Y, specials keys like Verr. maj, Tab, Maj, Enter, Back, and the space key) or just use uniform color.
You can change the font or keys to custom your Keyboard.
Grey uniform color keys, custom font (mistral), Orange uniform color pressed keys:
Grey uniform color keys, custom keys (Czech)
Red uniform color keys, custom font (Papyrus), Green uniform color pressed keys :
Red uniform color keys, custom font (Elephant), Green uniform color pressed keys (Capital Mode) :
Orange Texture keys and blue texture pressed keys :
Rotation of this keyboard :
Unzip this file into ".../vvvv/packs"
Node List :
Keyboard (DX11.Layer Texture2D)
List of Keys when you open the node "Keyboard (DX11.Layer Texture2D)", changing this spreads to custom your Keyboard.
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Hi Bartuc! I'm using your contribution but seems keys 8 and 9 has strange behaivour. Looking at Typewriter node of your help patch if I press 8 the last character is substitute and if I press 9 a lot of space character are insert before 9. Could you please have a look?
Is it also possible to substitute Maj with Shift?
Let me know! Thanks!
Hey idab Bartuc i think ive fixed the problems with Key 8 & 9, it has something to do with askeycode so i hardfixed it with substitute(string)