Credits: phl ,puig and Geometrica Studio
Just an update to retrieve Adobe Kuler Themes.
I found this legacy thread,kuler-update , and i decided to make it simpler and more useful. Fixed the Urls, improved the method to search or get feeds ,added a save & load preset function, and retrieve of the theme title
All you´ll need is an adobe kuler key to make it work.
Very useful for color gradients or palettes creation.
Only Works with beta 29 (depend of asstring(raw) node)
anonymous user login
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nice work! A friend has created a few kuler themes and i would like to access them directly.
Is there a way of getting a list of all the themes that user has created?
I cant find any info on which rss links are created by kuler for user themes. Maybe im just missing something :) ? Or is there an easy way to list my favorites?
thx for this kul contribution :>
hi gegenlicht, in the web page of adobe kuler API, you can find the documentation, as far as i know, if you introduce the username in the search term field, you will get all themes by this user, did you try this?