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For a long long time I was a amazed with pointclouds from lasers scaners and photosynth
A few years ago I started a company based on drone services ( using professional photogrametry softwares like Agisoft / Pix4d, but I wanted to port that data into V4. With a lot of help from Colorsound, davidmoraz, and everyoneishappy this module was born. Basically this 3 guys did it for me, I just made the pointcloud using pix4d and cloud compare.
The idea of this module is visualize big amount of pointclouds from a rgb,xyz file. Ply format is quite simple to understand ( if its was save in ascci, if its on binary, use cloud compare to decimate, align and export the file in ascci. It was originally made for a possible commercial project that fail, then it was on my harddrive for a few years, until node17 where I tested with HTCVIVE and its was amazing, that´s why I want to share this project so you can can give it a try.
The next step will be to save the data into a texture to feed a shader and avoid the secuencialreader,,, or maybe do the reader in VL... don´t know yet, let me know what you guys think about it.
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@andresc4, many thanks for this, very useful!
Coolness! I'm waiting for my Scanse Sweep to arrive, so now I have way of getting the data into vvvv, what excellent timing!
Great stuff! Used for creation of this video
...accompanied by instance-noodles of course
I didn't respond to importing my own ply model. What should I do? Is there something wrong?
@pgnaw upload your model / patch so we can se whats going on
I am open now, but there will be a lot of miscellaneous points. Is my ply format wrong?
@pgnaw upload your file, I can not tell without the file
Can you tell me which version of VVVV works with this program? I have red modules and disconnect when I launch the file. I using vvvv 50 beta 37.7 X64 Wi
ndows 10 Thanks