» Orbbec Astra OpenNI
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Orbbec Astra OpenNI

Credits: THISPLAY, schlonzo


Experimental release. Requires DX11 Pack, tested with DX11.Particles.
Due to licensing restricitons the primesense nite2 skeleton detection library is not allowed to work with astra devices, so there will be no legal skeleton node for this device.

Included nodes:

  • Depth
  • RGB
  • RGB Depth
  • World


1) Extract the contribution's openni folder into the dx11 pack plugin folder (...\packs\dx11\nodes\plugins)
2) Download the Orbbec Astra driver https://orbbec3d.com/develop/)
3) Install Orbbec sensor driver (tested with v4.3.0.4)
4) Extract the OpenNI-Windows-x64-2.3 folder into your Orbbec driver installation dir
5) Copy the OpenNI2.dll from within the OpenNI-Windows-x64-2.3\Redist folder to ...\packs\dx11\nodes\plugins\openni
6) Edit the OpenNI.ini within the contribution's openni folder and change the Repository path to .../YourOrbecDriverInstallationFolder/OpenNI-Windows-x64-2.3/Redist/OpenNI2/Drivers. Don't forget to use slashes instead of blackslashes)

free for private use, for commercial license please contact ea@this-play.com


25.01.18 [15:35 UTC] by nrsz | 1531 downloads

colorsound 26/01/2018 - 19:03

looking forward to try those camera , thank you ¡¡

toyshung 06/03/2018 - 12:57

the RGB node doesn't work for me. it just get red. somebody else have this issue?

schlonzo 13/03/2018 - 13:19

If the RGB node is not working, than you have the "Orbbec Astra Pro".
This Camera Model don't get the RGB Stream over OPENNI2.

jerry 20/04/2018 - 02:30

Nuitrack offers skeleton detection for Orbbec Astra devices.

tmp 23/04/2018 - 20:59

there seems to be a new info regarding the problem with the rgb node:

I updated the dx11.particles pack. It now has a wrapper and an emitter node for the orbbec astra. See latest version on github.

sebl 21/06/2018 - 12:23

seems like the plugin doesn't work with the actual dx11-pack. can someone confirm this?
against which dx11-version was this plugin compiled?

CeeYaa 10/03/2021 - 12:35

2021 and this is still a handy and nice Plugin for working with Astra and DX11.Particle but is the Texture spreadable? - I connect 2 Orbbecs and get 2Spreads of the Value Pins from the Nodes but only one Texture. - Do you have a solution? Is there an easy workaround? Or is this all outdated and there are other solutions?

schlonzo 22/09/2021 - 12:25

this might fix problems with latest dx11 pack:

Extract the contribution’s openni folder into the dx11 pack plugin folder (…\packs\dx11\nodes\plugins)
Download DX11 and DX11 Particles packs
Download & install the Orbbec Astra driver https://orbbec3d.com/develop/ (tested with v
Install OpenNI https://structure.io/openni (tested with v2.2.0.33 Beta)

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