Credits: roman_g, ridike, robotanton and anna
Parasitic Design is a series of demo-patches with detailed explanations that closely resemble the output of their originals which are the processing-examples that come with the book
which btw. is available in english and français now!
They work nicer with the book at hand but also without the book you should be able to learn by just inspecting the patches. If you're completely new to vvvv first get it from the Downloads page (make sure to not forget the addonpack!) and make yourself comfortable with vvvv by starting to read in the Using vvvv section. Then download the latest package below and browse the examples one by one.
Looking through the examples you'll notice that some of them are not really suitable to demonstrate the strengths of vvvv. Nevermind. Those examples are there for all of us to find out more about vvvvs weaknesses. We left out only a few that we found too embarrasing to implement..
Muchos gracias go out to the patchers who spent countless hours on creating, documenting and cleaning the patches for you: roman_g, ridike and robotanton. Plus special thanks for beta-testing and -critizism to anna. And an extra quad to the generative-design-team for their kicking us and the mention in the English version of the book. Horray.
You may also be interested in browsing the samples as videos and download them individually, which you can do via:
Requires beta36 and the Addonpack
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Yeah :) ! And big up for finishing. Had a lot of fun during internship!
Nice one.
wow, this is exactly what i!
is this series keep going? or we can join?
next week chapter two "Shapes" will be available. after that "Typography" followed by "Picture" and most likely some more..
great work! thx a lot!
super!!! thxs a lot
Wow... Super :)
I can´t wait for the agents chapter.
really x10 amazing work!
btw, P_2_1_3_01.v4p Renderer seems hidden. Alt+1, fine.
Great work!
thx mino, fixed for next revision.
very intriguing. thankyouvery mutsch
This is an amazing package, everything is so need and clean.
Big compliments to this team!! Why not include this in girlpower? ;)
Great, I love VVVV
this is gold, thanks ror the great job
to learn a lesson from so^^_
M_1_3_02 the way it is now you'll always get black and white pixels only.
@bjoern: why? the randomspread returns values between 0 and 1..
Sorry put it the wrong way, you'll only get grey values, since the same values are assigned to R, G & B. I somehow assumed it should be multicolored ("bunt"), just had a look at the book - and I was wrong.
thank you all ....
accept Westbam Why not include this in girlpower? ;)
Thank you, and Happy New Year!
how can i fix my pairwise 2,3,4D? all these nodes are red.
Can't see any patch with Line (EX9) module.
beta29 x86&x64
To fix pairwise download
thanks. fixed
Thanks a lot this great series!
This is great, are you working on the remaining M topics?