Hello Everybody,
i spent some days in writing this guide so you will better understand ParticlesGPU and hope will be able to customize it as you want.
this is really a pre release of the guide, it's not finished. (my laptop's GPU is dead, so i can't procede anymore..)
As soon as possible i'll post a new release of the document.
You can download the ParticlesGPU library here:
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Hey Natan,
All the people knows that open office is very hard for the GPU, take care the next time, ;)
thanks a lot for share your knowledge, it makes the shader theory more understandable for me, not only about particles.
hey dottore, thanks for super guide for super-duper shaders)
Kalle is extremely userful for patches screenshots that supposed to be printed. do your patch background so white as virgin paper
few days ago i saw your monstermachine, now i'm very sad to hear about your GPU.
but bo27: nice to hear that i am finally useful somewhere :)
As I just learned from Kalle you have to declare also the (category) of the node to create the correct link
Kalle (VVVV) = Kalle (VVVV)
Aw, shame your GPU died, maybe it just couldn't handle your HLSL wizardry :)
Thanks for putting this together, looks like a great learning resource.
Forgot to thanks Dottore.
Thanks Dottore,
Your work is always ahead of the pack!
Thumbs up !!
grandeeeeee natan
big up
tnx everybody. i'm happy that you like it! :)
soon the next step
Thank you man, very very nice reading!!
thank you natan, brilliant.
thanks dottore, this will ease a lot of things !!!
Standing ovation!! very well organized and clear documentation
Excellent work on every aspects.
big up !!!
How could I miss this? Thank you!!
I wish there was more things explained this way.
how is your graphicscard going ?
guys, not the graphic card is missing now: really busy here...
as soon as i can i'll add a chapter to the ParticleGPU guide...
try your best in the mean time
awesome library plus good documentation.
that's simply exquisite
> 8bit number = 128 possible numbers (taken from 0 to 1, working in rgb space).
You mean 256 numbers, right?
We need another part )
This is really a very nice reading.
Did you wrote other parts?
Hello dottore. This is the second time i´ve been downloading your particle - guide. The first time nothing was working.. so i thought my grafic card is not able to visualize particles.. but this was an error of mine. Now it sprays, i can see fireworks and will analyze. Is the particlesGPU_2dPositionVeloccityCycle a user - node? Thank you for your tutorial. u.