Print node
prints a texture
- Set printer by printer name pin
- x,y placement
- portrait/landscape
- set Color/grayscale
- Select Paper Size
- Scale to page (fit)
- Set print margins
- Using separate thread, does not block vvvv (via Tasks)
- Help patch
- Full source code
Not spreadable (yet)
Printer node
returns information about specific printer or all available printers,
if Printer Name is not supplied
Retrieves the following information about a printer:
- Printer Name
- If it is valid (online/offline)
- Duplex mode available
- Is it the default printer
- Does it support color print
- Information about supported paper sizes (Name, Code, Dimensions)
- Help patch
- Non blocking
- Full source code
Takes some time to load all the info for each printer
The plugins are using c# .net 4.0 Tasks magic to implement non-blocking behavior, please test and report if it works for you. I have no idea, why it does - but it works for me :>
Show 3 older revisionsOlder Revisions
Print.ver03.zip20.05.15 [20:41 UTC] by
zeos | 687 downloads
Enumarate printers and print a texture (v03); bug fixes; 10x Zepi!
Great! Here's perfect!
Just a hint:
The bgColor is now white. Thanks!
The pin to choose the printer is there, it is called PrinterName.
The Print node can work in combination with Printer node, to obtain the default printer from the system.
Thanks for the report!
In the example, Printer Name receives infos from printer's PrinterName, which the most comfortable option: here default printer name is 7 word long, about 30 chars, and anyway is just one of the 7 installed printers, including one note, xps and so on; after reading your answer I tried to input a wrong printer name and vvvv crashed, so I set an IOBox up the Select of Select (String) to choose a printer and feed print node with a correct name.
Hope now is more clear what I was saying :) (or maybe I'm missing something simple!)
Win7 64bit - beta28.1
Thanks again!!!
@h99: I assume that: 1) You know the name of the printer, or 2) you use the Printer node to find the default printer. Anyway, additional check is always good! Thanks for the feedback! I will put some validation and update the plugin.
edit: Now it checks, please, test. Thanks.
edit 2: Also, is there some input setting for the Print node that you would need/add or that's sufficient?
Thank you, hope this will be useful for other users too.
And no, nothing more :)
Best wishes
Thank's you!
cool, thanks for sharing
I was finding printing plugin for using Thermal Printer.
My Thermal Printer driver is well-installed in my windows 7.
Thermal Printer is working well in Notepad and Window Paint and so on.
In winows 7, It is recognized as a normal printer, and default printer.
but using this plugin in vvvv, only right black line is printed.
In Print HelpPatch, I also tried changing to various image texture, but result is only right black line, nothing different exist.
another odd thing is,
In Print HelpPatch, AsString(EX9. Texture)'s File Format InputPin seems available only PNG.
if I select BMP, it doesn't print.
In console window, this message is shown "Can not load image data: The parameter is incorrect."
I am using vvvv29beta30 x86, win7 x64 ultimate, mc374kh/a.
could you help me?
Hi Sansui,
thanks for the feedback! Without the actual device I have no chance to test it. My guess is to change the printer settings, like paper size, dpi and so on.
EDIT: Just tested with 45beta30.2x86 and it prints on regular laser printer.
The DXTexture -> AsString is set to BMP. What image format your device is supporting? What is the vendor/model of your device?
hey zeos! nice to meet you.
I questioned forum.
finally I am using ShellExecute method.
and later I would test for following your comment.
I didn't tested with other printer.
I have Thermal Printer named BIXOLON SRP-350plusII.
Another v4 mistery: this print-function is really cool and works (kind of) fine in my patches here. BUT: only when the patch containing the print is open and the patch window selected on top.
Any ideas?
Is there an alternative way to print directly from the renderer (without saving the image to disc)?
@zepi, sounds a bit like "auto evaluate = true" is not set in the plugin. dont have time to try it atm, but if its this its really easy to fix.
Nice job! but here all versions of the module throw me the same error: AsString(EX9.Texture) is in red. I tried in x86 beta 34.2 and x64 33.3, 33.7, 34.7, I do not find that node anywhere too.. any suggestions?
will take a look ;)
@lbolster: Please, dl and test if it works for you.
If you use DX11, simple use the DX11 version of asRAW and set it to BMP.
works perfect zeos! thank you!
While printing a "now printing" Window pops up. Its visible while in DX11 fullscreen.
Does anyone know how to remove/hide it?
Solution: dx11 -> dx9