» Slitscan & Ringbuffer (DX11)
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Slitscan & Ringbuffer (DX11)

Credits: vux, elektromeier, vvvv group, community


A ringbuffer in a volume texture and an appropriate texture-based slitscan shader.

I've been on a long journey, seeking an appropriate way to do texture-based slitscan deformations.

I was a bit inspired by James George, who did (cpu-based) slitscanning in OF and finally had the idea to utilize a volume texture. Elektromeier did a related thing here like about 8 years (!!) ago. That one was helpful, but still lacking the generation-part.

read this thread for more information: texture-queue-in-a-volume-texture-(dx11)


20.06.13 [16:56 UTC] by sebl | 2138 downloads

hrovac 20/06/2013 - 18:44

hei sebl, nice! many thx, uhm.. you lookin good as always

liquid 21/06/2013 - 04:08

ha,pretty one!

colorsound 26/06/2013 - 11:19

cool thanks ;D

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