Spectral Kinect is the result of heavy cooking with pixel shaders and particle system.
The recipe :
Finally mix everything with lots of late nights experimenting, tweaking and fun using your favorite Multipurpose Toolkit and that's it !
You've got the Spectral Kinect !
The idea : if there is someone in front of the Kinect (sadely only one...) the spray/ball will transform into the Spectral and you can control it with your Kinect.
Then, if there is nobody, the Spectral will transform back into the spray/ball and move around.
If you don't have a Kinect, you can toggle the default position to see how it looks anyway.
Research steps can be seen here : http://www.flickr.com/photos/cloneproduction/sets/72157631903128574/
Video is here : https://vimeo.com/52612788
I'd like to thanks a lot, all those guys who makes plugin and effects, because without them, it wouldn't be possible to do that with vvvv.
Big Up guys !
Edit by Newemka: SPECTRAL KINECT working with Open NI
Hello everyone, I've updated this patch to make it working with Open NI. The MS Kinect Skeleton Nodes gives more joints positions, with the OpenNi Skeleton nodes, wrists, ankles and waist position are missing. Then I had to re-order the Joints ID in the ResampleSkeleton module.
Thanks for the help of LeCloneur!
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nice!! So glad to see this.
very good!!
cool man! what fps you can get?
Hi Dimix,
well on my laptop I don't have 60FPS, but with a proper graphic card I guess it's doable. Let me know if you try how many you get.
yep. we do. but perhaps end of the year or so
@ lecloneur,, think i can make soundrack for this. Are you up for collab?
Hi matka,
Contact me on skype : cloneproduction
Thank for sharing!
nice contribution indeed
Hi lecloneur,
The screenshots and the video of SPECTRAL KINECT looks amazing. Good Work !!
I would want to run the patch but I am unable to. I just get a blank screen.
I have Windows 7 (64 bit) with default kinect drivers installed.
I am very new to vvvv, so need some guidance.
Thanks in advance
Hello, syedfawaz2002
I guess you need the Addon Pack to run it.
This is wonderful! I don't know if you still read this, but I downloaded this and got everything running. All works fine and the kinect comes on, but it doesn't seem to have an effect on the movement of the skeletal figure at all. Any ideas why this would be occurring?
Switch off debug mode position I guess.
hello lecloneur
thx for sharing, i have downloaded and running perfectly on my pc, but everytime i tried to running it on my laptop it cannot go into fullscreen mode.
any ideas why this is happen?
(sorry for my bad english hehehe)
lenovo G410
core i5 4200
graphic cards : intel HD 4600 and radeon HD 8570
lcd 14" 1366 x 768
you can try double click on the top of renderer window to maximize it then ctrl+8 to remove the borders
hello i use openni2.2 and kinect for windows sdk 1.8 and nite 2.2,but i run it see nothing in my screen.can you help me?
Hello, I'm beginner here, can you help me fix that pink nod on skeleton. usually nods are red and i can find the missing pack.
but here its pink, doesn't look like its working.
I can see the spectral figure alright but kinect doesn't seem to catch my skeleton. What am I doing wrong?
lol, man you are seeing pink node really ? what kind of green pattern do you smoke ?
@green: a pink node is a red node that is set to "hidden on lock". see: the user interface in detail#hidden nodes and locked patches. anyway it is just a red node that should tell you where it is looking for the missing node when you hover it with the mouse.
How can I get this running with a kinect V2.
Hi lecloneur
In the kinect MS. ResampleSkeleton module that how to set up to get more personal bones?
Thx for you help
Hello Lecloneur.
Same problem here.(running kinect xbox 360,openni 1.5.4)
Skeleton box is on red.Help would be much appreciated.
How can I get this running with a kinect V2.!!!!!!!really wont plz,...
i have a same problem as Chen_Aser but CPU number is under 20
also skeltone is missing and red
what can i do ?
is this becouse i have not set up openNI in my windows?
Cool effect. I was scratching my head getting this to work with Kinect2, but it was much easier than I thought. Make sure you have DX11 pack installed, then on the root Spectral Kinect patch make a Kinect2 Device node, connect the Runtime to a Kinect2 Skeleton, then connect the JointPositionXYZ to the Resample Skeleton input, and you're golden! Make sure to delete or disable the old Skeleton from the old Kinect version.