Put next to dx11 pack in /packs directory so it looks like this:
/packs/dx11 /packs/dx11-Spout
If it doesn't work for you try to reset (ALT+rightclick) the Spout (DX11.Texture Receiver) node. This is due to a problem with the FromSharedTexture (DX11.Texture 2d) node.
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Where can I find it?
as of now only in alpha builds.
I've been trying to link a texture from processing to VVVV with Spout. When I run the example it works well with the webcam, even it detect and read correctly my kinect v2. However, it doesnt't lists other two senders (Processing and SpoutSender) that I had already run as following the Spout User Manual.
Why I cannot receive info from other Spout sender?
hey there,
just discovered that the spoutSenderNames is limited to 10 entries!
any good reason for that?
ps: the Spout DX11 pack should be added to the dx11 pack!
indeed there is the 10 entries limit. no good reason. just a compile-time constant, that (without thinking too much about it) i think just has to be set to a value, not too big, as it blocks memory.. so how many do you need, reasonably?
regarding being included in the pack, see:
i use 24 spout senders with small texture sizes (128*128) and it's fine
Memory = 900MB
GPU Load = 8%
Controler Load = 3%
with 24 x (1920*1200)
Memory = 1300MB
GPU Load = 14%
Controler Load = 6%
should be nice to update the max count!
regarding the pack of course the AsSharedTexture pointer update bug still need a fix
the only vvvvery dirty workaround i've found to update it is a deletenode + CtrlZ keystroke
@guest, try using a create node rather than a delete, it should re-create the node in place, avoiding the undo...
But a fix would be good, a reset pin if nothing else!
@guest: latest alpha comes with a limit of 40 spoutSenderNames. hope that doesn't interfere with any other software. are you using it only between vvvv instances or can you also test with other software?
thanks for the update
right now i'm just testing spout between vvvv instances and it works great
but i would like to send it to ue4
i'll do some test with ue4 and resolume and keep you posted
thanks for this better workaround ;)
unfortunately on both ue4 and resolume the spout receivers are limited to 10 entries by default !
should be modified in ue4 with #define MaxSenders in the plugin :
works great in vvvv with the latest alpha
@guest ok, so the question is with latest alpha (which has MaxSenders=40) can you still share at least 10 spouts with ue4/resolume when they are set to 10?
in resolume it works, you can choose via the force update pin which one you want to appear in the resolume list (last ten triggered).
will do a test with the modified ue4 plugin...
i'd be most interested in a test between vvvv with maxsender=40 (ie. latest alpha) and ue4/resolume with maxsender=10. to see if in that scenario they can still share those 10.
any prospects for this coming out of alpha limbo?
@everyoneishappy what exactly do you mean? the change mentioned above (MaxSenders=40) has landed in b35.8
I'm trying to send vvvv to Unity via Spout v2.006 and the help patch. No sender shows up in the SpoutPanel. If I try the other way around, the Unity sender appears in the SpoutPanel, but nothing is recaived in vvvv. Any ideas why it's not working?
After restarting, the vvvv Spout DX11 helppatch appears in the SpoutPanel. But it is listed there as DX9 and not received in Unity. I've tested the Demo SpoutSender and it displays as DX11 in the SpoutPanel and shows up on Unity correctly. Any ideas why the vvvv DX11 helppatch is interpreted as DX9?
Edit: ok, it's working now! Just missed to enter the sender name into the Unity receiver. The vvvv sendner is still indicated as DX9, but not sure if this will make any trouble.
the sender node does not work for me. if I start the the receiver demo from spout my vvvv sender does not show up in the list. but the receiver does work.
does anybody has this problem too?
@toyshung try this
be sure to set up C:\Program Files (x86)\Spout2\SPOUTDXMODE\SpoutDXmode.exe disable DX9 and select Texture GPU
I also am seeing the send show up in the SpoutReceiver program, but when selected it is black. This is with the Spout DX mode set to CPU.
This is on an Intel GFX system, so SpoutReceiver will not work when mode is set to Texture GPU, complaining "Cannot create DX11/OpenGL interop" as soon as the vvvv source is selected, which the Spout docs say requires nVidia graphics.
So it appears sending only works on nVidia - is that not the case?