The bundle comes with a reissue of the hit games Pong (1972), Frogger (1981), Worms (1995) and Asteroids (1979) all realized using the patternpending Quad render-engine in the visual programming language codenamed vvvv50.
Some more info in this blog post.
Heresy! I cannot look at the patch, they have compiled it!
amazing news. unfortunately it doesnt start here. win7, dx11, nvidia fx4500
@milo can you try another computer? seems like your card is not fully compatible... but anyways, its just for fun. the important news is in the blog post.
I'm so excited, a aa a!
Sadly the exes wont run here either:
System.MissingMethodException: Methode nicht gefunden: "Int32 System.Environment.get_CurrentManagedThreadId()".
On win7, ati w7000
tried to run it on OSX 10.9.2 / MonoFramework-MRE-3.4.0.
just shows the Beachball.
returns the following error:
Works on Windows 8.1 x64, Nvidia GT 750 M
@milo, eno could it be that you tested it on 32-bit systems?
@bjorn its a simple DirectX 2D renderer, which is very unlikely to work on OSX. but as gregsn explained in his answer to the blog post, the library is not an issue yet.
@tonfilm. nope its 64Bit
Quad Frogger is the new Flappy Bird D=
@milo, sorry no more obvious ideas... you could test whether basic directx 2d examples from the net work on your machine.
doesn't work on my windows 7 64Bit, same problem what had eno
i really love worms :)
windows 8 64Bit same behavior like Eno.
Great to have an update though- exciting things to come :)
No problems on Windows 8 64-bit here other than cumbersome key choices and difficulty...
Checked on Win 8.1 x64 - everything working fine.
not working on win 7 64 bit.
it gives error on openig:
Impossible to find method 'Int32 System.Environment.get_CurrentManagedThreadId()'.
working on win 8.1
I also run it with 7 64 bit and it works
hey, could it be a .NET issue?
@milo, eno, dottore, re win7: i also encountered the "System.Environment.get_CurrentManagedThreadId()" error recently. while under different circumstances, installing .net4.5 on that machine resolved the issue.