This is a standalone timelining application similar to the original TimelinerSA. Read the announcement for details.
Usage manual and latest sources to be found on github: https://github.com/vvvv/Timeliner
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Whoosh! That looks powerful, man. Love it!
Nice to see TimelinerSA is being continued! It is a great powerful tool, I've been using in most of my projects.
One thing I particularly liked about TimelinerSA is its full intergration in vvvv's interface, that you can even embed the timeline in your patch, no need for OSC "wiring". Is this being planned for NextGen too?
Another feature I use extensively is the ability to send in a time value, thus various timelines can be synced one another and with other repetitive events, even a straight-forward connection to other softwares is easily doable. I didn't see this feature in NextGen(?), would be really nice to have.
Last but not least, a feature I am painfully missing in the original TimelinerSA is the ability to copy/cut/paste. Would be amazing to have that.
Anyways, thanks for your great work Joreg, thumbs up!
Is there a way (commandline, hidden configfile, etc.) to define a specific timeline-startup-file?
@mfo: re embedded see: https://github.com/vvvv/Timeliner/issues/9
re copypaste seee: https://github.com/vvvv/Timeliner/issues/1
re sending time look for 'seek' at https://github.com/vvvv/Timeliner#sending-osc
@timpernagel: i'm afraid not. but i guess you'd find where to place the code to add that..
is this supposed to work on windows 10?
yes, what seems to be the problem?
Ah, I had to move it all the way down to C:\TimelinerNG for some reason ...
Works from there...
where'd you have it before?