Detailed tutorials to come.
This tool is designed for developing and deploying multitouch applications which use the TUIO protocol.
To start creating your own multitouch application head to the folder:
Touch Base\Applications
And then rename the Multitouch Application Template folder to the name of the application you will be developing.
When the mouse is over the main renderer the XY pos is used to show where a touch point is. The touch point only becomes active when the left mouse button is hit.
The bottom section of the touch simulator is for manual input of touch positions.
The "Tuio Transform" patch has the UDP node where the data from your touch device is received. Currently the UDP node is set to port 3333, which is a the standard port, if you are not receiving touch information, check the port number of your device and adjust the UDP node accordingly.
To enable touch from your device to be sent to your application, turn off "Simulator".
You'll also want to turn off "Touch Points" when not testing.
Beta 27.1 & addonpack
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very nice and handy gaz ;D , especially when using different aspects ratios like 16:9 in overlays , btw a quad an a transform wont hurt in the main patch example template with tuio hehe
Hi thank you for contributing this. I had a question. Do you think this works with the new Wacom Intous 5 touch (it has 10 finger touch ability as well as pen ability)?
This takes TUIO, which is a form of OSC. Want you want to see is if the wacom will send windows touch events. If so you can then use a free app called Touch2TUIO bridge ( to hook up to vvvv.
@metrowave: lucky guy.. I wanna get my hands on one of those!
With regards to everyoneishappy's suggestion use this Touch2Tuio package:
@everyoneishappy: Thanks for the tip...
@gaz: I wish I did, I'm working on it. it's too expensive, but with the great touch abilities it's hard to resist... Thanks again for the great patches.
Keeping this updated on GitHub: