Credits: unc and lecloneur for their TextureFX nodes. joreg for an enormous help.
If what you want to do involves applying effects on videostreams or compositing multiple streams of video together, these workshop materials are for you.
Basic tutorials and examples on how to use TextureFX nodes to work with the same tricks and techniques you could previously achieve only in Photoshop or After Effects. And what's best: everything can be animated in real-time.
Presented at Node13.
The same patches are hosted on bitbucket, everyone is welcome to make them better.
2013, Anton M (robotanton)
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Thanks Anton, the workshop was great, having this documentation is perfect.
Thank you !
Thanks Anton..was looking for some good learning resource like this...
Thank you !
I'm having some trouble with some of the patches not working.
The ones which have given me issues are:
Does being on a 64 bit system create a problem?
The 64-Bit build is missing some nodes for example the VLC node used in the first example.
Just download the 32 Bit build and addonpack and unpack them separately, you can switch installations anytime by starting the according crack.exe.
This is some very good stuff :)
thanks Anton for this great tutorial :)
You, sir, are an extremely awesome Person. Thanks so much!