» VJ Racks
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VJ Racks

Credits: Geometrica Studio , Zeos ,FFMpeg4vvvv.


This series of patches forms part of a video mixer project im working on,
i tried to create them to easily integrate in any project, all modules have a minimal GUI,and are optimized for performance, hope people find it useful.

  • GridVideo : Allow to select Quicktime movies with vj style in the folder you choose.It includes a ffmpeg powered thumbnail generator to make things easier.
  • BPM Tap : Simple Tapper.
  • Audio Tool : Complete audio analysis with Hysteresis tool and range selector.Awesome response at the speed of sound.

at the moment there are several modules planned for release soon:

  • LFO.
  • Spreader.
  • Layer system.
  • download

    12.11.13 [22:15 UTC] by geometrica | 1675 downloads
    VJ Racks 2 - Audio TooL V3. Audio analysis. Big Update
    Show 2 older revisions

    Older Revisions

    11.07.13 [20:11 UTC] by geometrica | 1008 downloads
    Vj Racks 3 - GridVIdeo v1. Video Launcher for quicktime movies. Includes FFmpeg Binaries for thumbs generator.
    13.04.13 [06:55 UTC] by geometrica | 857 downloads
    Vj Racks 1 - BPM Tap. just tap BPM button

lecloneur 13/04/2013 - 14:07

Nice idea. This BPM tap just miss a reset button, to reset the beat on time with the music.

vjc4 13/04/2013 - 15:50

downloading right now!, tnks!

geometrica 13/04/2013 - 21:55

@lecloneur : the bpm resets itself every 4 taps so if yo start tapping with the beat it will get on sync

metrowave 13/04/2013 - 23:45

Nice job...

lecloneur 14/04/2013 - 13:15

@geometrica, yes I know but it just that if I don't want to tap but just reset the beat on a snare or on the bass for example. Need to tap once on time but not tap the beat again, well this is how I made my tap bpm. Good job anyway, looking forward to try the others modules I see on the screenshot :)

psylion 27/06/2013 - 11:42

@geometrica, no news about the release of Vj Racks patches?

geometrica 27/06/2013 - 18:35

hey buddy, im quite busy right nowwith work but i can tell you that im still developing more and more modules to use them, the next release will be a grid video launches for quicktime movies, and lfo, a three layer blend system,
i will upload as soon as i can,

newemka 12/07/2013 - 09:42

Good! Thank you! I was expecting such a tool :)
I've just tried the gridvideo, unfortunately i don't manage to generate the thumbs.
Once i've pressed the Thumbs buttong in GUI, the create thumbs progress bar fill itself very fast then no thumbnails are displayed or created.

geometrica 12/07/2013 - 10:54

you must select a correct folder where the videos are inside, it only works with mov extension by now, it would be nice to know if it works for the rest ... i tried in different machines without any problem.
It should be a problem with the videofolder you select pretty sure.
try it and tell me about it.

newemka 12/07/2013 - 13:00

You're right! I was suspected my video folder too. I've created a new folder and added some videos in order to try. It works good! Now i have to figure out why didn't work with my original video folder, maybe there's something to see with the folder attributes..

szbz216 19/08/2013 - 08:56

could it works with sounds visualizing? If it works then how to? Please give me a hite,I try to workout in Resolme but the sounds visualizing doesn't work.

geometrica 19/08/2013 - 13:53

i dont understand well what you mean with sounds visualizing... please try to explain better qhat you want to achieve so i can help you...thanks :)

matka 13/11/2013 - 00:39

big up geometrica!!! saludos desde Barcelona

kiki void 16/11/2013 - 11:10

Hi@geometrica!I think maybe @szbz216 means that how can we gets max of value from audio tool via realtime fft analys.

Element 07/12/2013 - 18:29

Hi, maybe a dumb question: the thumb creation works fine, but I can't get the videos playing(tried with the helppatch). What do I have to do to?

esnho 24/11/2014 - 19:41

Hi, I've added a simple preset tool, it needs some graphical improvement but is a rapid mod I've done for my personal necessity.
How can I send you?

geometrica 26/11/2014 - 23:29

Sure, send it to alvaro.martin@geometricatudio.com to check it out!
Actually preparing some more tools for vjing.

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