» VL.GIFed.Player
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Credits: AKa-visuals, thanks to tonfilm and all who help me learning vl.


GIFed is a tiny dotnet library wich allows to read and save gifs,
I ported it to vl as and exercise , and finally I FOUND it works at a very high performance, we can use it in vl or vvvv as texture and it allows to plays gifs from local files or URLs, and save them at original framerare and size .
I use it as replacement for skia gif reader loader, cos of load times.

Is part from GIF.mixer im preparing and you can see in the forums.
I always missed a gif media player inside 4v so i made my own.
Open examples patch for use guide. i include some assets to test.

Requires last alpha.


27.04.19 [16:38 UTC] by AKa-visuals | 648 downloads
Fixed Exception on load, Async load now works faster

dr_qatz 27/04/2019 - 06:36

not working at last alpha 65d05a3bf0

AKa-visuals 27/04/2019 - 13:06

When open it throws an exception due vl holdlatest node after async task region, but if you check ok and hide, it should run...looking forward to fix it.
i just Uploaded new version with minor fixes.

AKa-visuals 27/04/2019 - 16:38

Just Fixed the exception, should work on latest alphas without problems

dr_qatz 27/04/2019 - 20:26

Now it works perfectly,thanks so much!

felipelinsf 05/06/2019 - 13:45

Hello, is there any way to work with transparent background of imported gifs?

AKa-visuals 12/06/2019 - 15:27

I will check if alpha is supported.

guest 01/10/2019 - 14:01

Hi @Aka-visuals,
Does save work? I get an error about parameters.

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