» vvvv as a language
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vvvv as a language

Credits: vvvv language team


discussion of vvvv's language features


vvvv as a language.zip
24.04.11 [19:52 UTC] by gregsn | 1894 downloads

u7angel 24/04/2011 - 22:54

i missed your talk, thank you for the pdf

the most interesting page is flow control.

gregsn said
You might want to react only once on an event. So no loop at all.
A patch that gets evaluated only under certain circumstances...

absolutely yes, because at the moment, vvvv projects are sort of limited in terms of complexity. only with tricks of getpatch/setpatch its possible to dynamically load things later. sending NIL isn't a solution either.

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~2d ago

joreg: vvvvTv S0204 is out: Custom Widgets with Dear ImGui: https://youtube.com/live/nrXfpn5V9h0

~2d ago

joreg: New user registration is currently disabled as we're moving to a new login provider: https://visualprogramming.net/blog/2024/reclaiming-vvvv.org/

~10d ago

joreg: vvvvTv S02E03 is out: Logging: https://youtube.com/live/OpUrJjTXBxM

~12d ago

~13d ago

joreg: Follow TobyK on his Advent of Code: https://www.twitch.tv/tobyklight

~17d ago

joreg: vvvvTv S02E02 is out: Saving & Loading UI State: https://www.youtube.com/live/GJQGVxA1pIQ

~17d ago

joreg: We now have a presence on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/vvvv-group

~24d ago

joreg: vvvvTv S02E01 is out: Buttons & Sliders with Dear ImGui: https://www.youtube.com/live/PuuTilbqd9w

~1mth ago

joreg: vvvvTv S02E00 is out: Sensors & Servos with Arduino: https://visualprogramming.net/blog/2024/vvvvtv-is-back-with-season-2/

~1mth ago