» WindowHandler (VVVV)
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WindowHandler (VVVV)



find, move, resize and arrange vvvv windows, and show them in the taskbar

yet another long overdue release out of my vvvv helpers


  • gui window listing all currently opened vvvv windows
  • list can be filtered by types (patch, renderer, gui and editors)
  • toggle the ones you fancy to show up in the taskbar
  • move selected ones via keyboard shortcuts (e.g. '1' to bring lost ones back to the primary screen)
  • pixelprecise setting position and/or size, inner or outer size (e.g. you want a renderer to be exactly FullHD)
  • tile selected ones over the current screen
  • all gui elements have nice tooltips with usage hints


on selection there are following shortcuts:

  • 'F' to focus
  • '1'...'9' to move to that screen number (retains size and relative position)
  • arrow keys to snap to left/top/right/bottom of current screen

they will only be active if the GUI window was the last one to have focus. so it shouldn't be intrusive with actual application shortcuts or other vvvv interaction

when using the Set button and the number boxes for pixel precise settings leaving a box empty keeps that property untouched

tiling only works for windows which show up in the taskbar


the taskbar toggle is not persistant. once you close/hide a window shown in the taskbar and reopen you'll have to set it again. would require some native vvvv rework to have that.

HDE host gives me no info about the VL editor, so no chance to handle that one.

you're welcome


26.10.17 [01:54 UTC] by woei | 783 downloads

sebescudie 26/10/2017 - 13:47

Sweeet woei! Thanks, that's definitely a time saver. Kickin' ass tiling feature :)

Just one thing : pressing the 1..9 keys with a renderer selected in your GUI doesn't seem to do anything.

woei 26/10/2017 - 13:54

@sebescudie haven't got an monitor here to test. arrow keys work though? span mode vs extended? the snapping via arrow keys treat left/right over both monitors, the window function only recognises one big screen.
haven't tested any weird monitor setups, only aligned ones.

u7angel 26/10/2017 - 18:52

wow, how good is this. thanks

sebescudie 27/10/2017 - 10:11

@woei : yep, arrow keys are working. Haven't tested with span mode yet.

guest 27/10/2017 - 11:35

(!) very good, but not possible the program resizing

sunep 27/10/2017 - 14:43

this should be in the addon pack

Noir 28/10/2017 - 17:24

quote sunep

mburk 28/10/2017 - 18:28

finally a way to easily set the size of windows. thanks!

motzi 02/11/2017 - 18:20

nice one! thanks for sharing!

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