The INodeInfo type exposes the following members.


Public methodBeginUpdate
Disables events. Call this function if bunch of properties will get changed.
Public methodCommitUpdate
Enables events. Call this function after a BeginUpdate(). Will trigger a NodeInfoUpdated event.

Extension Methods


Public propertyArguments
Arguments used by the IAddonFactory to create this node.
Public propertyAuthor
Specify the plugins author.
Public propertyAutoEvaluate
Define if this node should be evaluated every frame, even if no outpur is read.
Public propertyBugs
Specify known problems.
Public propertyCategory
The category in which the plugin can be found. Try to use an existing one.
Public propertyCredits
Give credits to thirdparty code used.
Public propertyFactory
The factory which created this node info.
Public propertyFilename
Name of the file used by the IAddonFactory to create this node.
Public propertyHelp
Describe the nodes function in a few words.
Public propertyIgnore
Define if this node should be ignored in a NodeBrowser or not.
Public propertyInitialBoxSize
Only for GUI plugins. Defines the nodes initial size in box-mode.
Public propertyInitialComponentMode
Only for GUI plugins. Defines the nodes initial component mode.
Public propertyInitialWindowSize
Only for GUI plugins. Defines the nodes initial size in window-mode.
Public propertyName
The nodes main visible name. Use CamelCaps and no spaces.
Public propertyShortcut
Optional. Shortcut to create an instance of this node.
Public propertySystemname
The nodes unique systemname in the form of: Name (Category Version)
Public propertyTags
Specify a comma separated list of tags that describe the node. Name, category and Version don't need to be duplicated here.
Public propertyType
The node type. Set by the PluginFactory.
Public propertyUserData
Arbritary user data. Can be used by factories to store additional data.
Public propertyUsername
The nodes unique username in the form of: Name (Category Version) where the Name can be a symbol
Public propertyVersion
Optional. Leave blank if not needed to distinguish two nodes of the same name and category.
Public propertyWarnings
Specify any usage of the node that may cause troubles.

See Also