The RGBAColor type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
RGBAColor(array<Double>[]()[][]) |
vvvv color constructor
| |
RGBAColor(Double, Double, Double, Double) |
vvvv color constructor
Name | Description | |
Equals(Object) | (Overrides ValueType..::..Equals(Object).) | |
Equals(RGBAColor) | ||
Finalize | Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetHashCode | (Overrides ValueType..::..GetHashCode()()()().) | |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) | |
MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
ToString |
Get string name for the color
(Overrides ValueType..::..ToString()()()().) |
Name | Description | |
Addition |
Adds the color components of two colors
| |
Equality | ||
ExplicitNarrowingExplicitExplicitExplicit(RGBAColor to Color) |
Explicit cast from color to C# color
| |
ImplicitWideningImplicitImplicitImplicit(Color to RGBAColor) |
Casts a C# color to a color
| |
ImplicitWideningImplicitImplicitImplicit(RGBAColor to Vector4D) |
Casts a color to a 4d-vector
| |
ImplicitWideningImplicitImplicitImplicit(Vector4D to RGBAColor) |
Casts a 4d-vector to a color
| |
Inequality | ||
LogicalNot |
! color, calculates the complementary color
| |
Multiply(Double, RGBAColor) |
Multiplies a factor with a color
| |
Multiply(RGBAColor, Double) |
Multiplies a color with a factor
| |
Multiply(RGBAColor, RGBAColor) |
Multiplies two colors, RGBA component wise
| |
OnesComplement |
~ color, calculates the brighness of a color with the formula 0.222 * R + 0.707 * G + 0.071 * B
| |
Subtraction |
Subtracts the color components of two colors
| |
UnaryNegation |
- color, flips the sign off all color components
| |
UnaryPlus |
+ color, makes no changes to a color
Name | Description | |
A |
The Alpha data field
| |
B |
The Blue data field
| |
G |
The Green data field
| |
R |
The Red data field
Name | Description | |
Color |
C# color type property, can be used for conversion
Note, that there is also implicit casting from C# color, and explicit casting to C# color