AddOn |
A node that is not natively built into vvvv but available with an extra download |
addonpack |
A collection of addons maintained by the vvvv-community |
Application Programming Interface |
ArtNet |
Protocol for sending DMX data over IP networks, created by the company Artistic Licence |
ASIO | Steinberg's Audio Stream Input/Output protocol | |
Low-latency and high fidelity digital audio protocol |
Bass |
Audio Library |
Box2D |
2D Physics Engine by Erin Catto |
Boygrouping |
Clients/Server render cluster mode |
Collada |
File format for 3D data. Files have the ending .dae |
DataType |
Specifies the type of data bound to a pin. Only pins of the same datatype can be connected. |
Direct3D |
Microsofts 3D rendering technology. Part of DirectX |
DirectShow |
Microsofts video rendering technology |
DirectX |
Collection of Microsofts media related programming technologies |
Standard protocol for stage lighting and effects |
dsgsg |
gsgsgsg |
DualView |
Graphic card setting: multiple monitors can have different resolutions |
Effect |
DirectX container format for Vertex- and PixelShader |
Empty Spread |
Special case in which a spread has zero slices. aka NIL or Ø |
Fast Fourier Transformation - a technique for sound frequency analysis |
FreeFrame |
Open videoeffect specification |
Girlpower |
Collection of demo patches coming with vvvv in the directory \girlpower |
HelpPatch |
A Patch describing a nodes functionality. Can be accessed by pressing F1 with a node selected. |
High Level Shader Language used to write an effect |
Hypertext Transfer Protocol |
Inlet |
Short for input pin |
Inspektor |
VVVVs Window that gives access to all pins of a selected node |
Internet Relay Chat protocol |
irrKlang |
irrKlang is a high level 2D/3D sound engine and audio library. |
Link |
A connection between 2 pins |
Musical Instrument Digital Interface |
Module |
A patch designed to be reusable as a node in different scenarios |
Mr. |
1 1 |
Mr. |
1 1 |
Mr. |
1 1 |
Mr. |
1 1 |
Mr. |
1 1 |
Short for Empty Spread |
Node |
An elementary building block of a Patch. Has input and output Pins |
Open Dynamics Engine by Russell Smith |
OpenCV |
Open source Computer Vision and machine learning software library. |
Open Sound Control Protocol |
Outlet |
Short for output pin |
Patch |
A window containing a graph of nodes |
Pin |
Inputs and outputs of a Node |
Plugin |
A node based on vvvvs COM-based plugininterface |
RS232 |
Serial Port communications standard |
Shader |
Code running on the GPU rather than on the CPU. Comes in the form of vertex- and pixelshaders which together make up an effect |
Singleton |
A node that can only have one instance within each patch. All of which internally reference the same object |
Slice |
Single entry of a Spread |
SliceCount |
Specifies the number of entries in a spread. aka SpreadCount |
SpanMode |
Graphic card setting: one large screenarea across all monitors |
Spread |
vvvvs list/array type. |
SpreadCount |
Synonym for SliceCount |
SubType |
More precisely specifies a datatype |
Transmission Control Protocol |
UDP | User Datagram Protocol | |
v4p |
File suffix of a vvvv patch |
Steinberg's Virtual Studio Technology is a popular audio plugin standard |
Windows Driver Model |
X file |
Microsoft's Direct3D geometry file format |
Ø |
Symbol for NIL aka Empty Spread |
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