Here is a listing of educational institutions that teach vvvv in some shape or form. Please add your information and keep it up-to-date. There are two ways you can do so:
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Name of Institution | Country, City | Notes | Contact* |
FH Hagenberg, Medientechnik und -design | Austria, Hagenberg | Bachelor. Course: Generative Art (4,5 ECTS) The whole bandwidth of generative image generation is worked through. Starting with the 2d render engine up to 3d stride and GPU-based computations, accompanied by data input like sound or realtime data from the web. Finally the visualizations are mapped to 3d objects. Language: German |
Katharina Mayrhofer kathi |
University of Art and Design Linz | Austria, Linz | vvvv gamma is the main tool for the Coding course at the Fashion & Technology department. Majority of the participants are in the Master's degree, yet this course is also open for Bachelor's students. Most of research in this department is on multidisciplinary concept in the intersection of fashion and technology. vvvv is being used to learn programming concepts, problem solving and thinking with computers. We always start with basics and during the semester, depending on the interest of the students we would dig deeper into the advanced topics. Language: English |
Amir Bastan amir |
University of Art and Design Linz | Austria, Linz | vvvv is being used in the following three courses: (1) The department Timebased and Interactive Media offers the course Generative Graphic und Realtime Processing, which is a required course for the Bachelor students. (Language: German) (2) Generative Graphic and Realtime Processing is also a basic vvvv course, that is open for all the Students of the University. (Language: English) These two courses are beginner courses, that require no previous knowledge in programming. (3) the course Visual Programming / Generative Graphics is located in the department Visual Communication, which is an advanced course, where projects are realized in the fields of Datavisualisations, Installations, soundreactive Designs, ... Language: German, English |
Katharina Mayrhofer kathi |
St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences | Austria, St. Pölten | vvvv is being used in the following two courses: Bachelor Media Technology Course: Realtime-Engines for Video and Motion Graphics (2x3 ECTS, teaches vvvv from scratch as a tool for realtime video processing, virtual studios, augmented reality,..., in german) Master Digital Design Course: Modular Media Programming (2 ECTS, General introduction into interactive media applications using vvvv, in german) Master Digital Healthcare Course: Rapid Visual Prototyping (5 ECTS, General introduction into visual programming, Using VVVV as a tool for Rapid Prototyping applications in the healthcare domain e.g. by learning about digital 3D environments, bodytracking, application prototyping and as an interface for physical computing setups. Taught in german or english). See Bachelor students showreel for examplary works |
Matthias Husinsky motzi, Christoph Kirmaier chk |
The NODE Institute | Germany, Berlin | The NODE Institute extends the famous workshop program of the NODE Forum for Digital Arts over the whole year and into the virtual realm. Check the website for current offerings. | David Brüll david |
Hochschule Darmstadt, Bachelor of Arts in Interactive Media Design | Germany, Darmstadt/Dieburg | vvvv is being offered both as part of the required courses and in form of electives in the course of interactive media design These and other projects can be explored in our project collection or vimeo channel Language: German |
Claudius Coenen amenthes |
University of Applied Sciences Mainz | Germany, Mainz | vvvv is being used in the following two courses in the faculty time-based media: Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts
Since we encourage project driven work, the vvvv courses are open for everyone in the faculty Gestaltung. The content of the courses changes every semester an reaches from prototyping, installations, to datavisualisation and motion graphics. Language: German |
Julian Hermann julian, Nils Weger phlegma, Benjamin Hohnheiser benju |
University of Europe for Applied Sciences, Berlin | Germany, Berlin | The interdisciplinary elective "New media tools and applications" in the Master program New Media Design / Media Spaces gives an introduction to vvvv gamma with a focus on prototyping interfaces. | Benjamin Hohnheiser benju |
Lette Verein, Stiftung des öffentlichen Rechts, Berlin | Germany, Berlin | vvvv gamma is being used in the module "Interaktive Installation und Vernetzung (Interactive installations and connectivity)" in "Medieninformatik/Interaktive Animation (Media Informatics/Interactive Animation)". Apply here | ... |
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades | Mexico, Mexico City | vvvv is used for interactive exhibitions in the Digital Art Laboratory with high school students following tutorials in nahuatl and spanish languages: Laboratorio de Arte Digital.
See our facebook page for more contents and contact, |
Alberto Barrios 4fx. |
University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU | Spain, Bilbao | vvvv is being used in the following two courses: Degree in Art Subject: Interactive Art and Interfaces (6 ECTS, General introduction into new media using vvvv) Master's Degree in Contemporary Technological and Performative Art Subject: Software for the Management and Activation of Spaces (4 ECTS, vvvv as a tool for vision computer, electronics, arduino, sensors, audio generative..for the construction of interfaces) Language: Spanish |
Patxi Araujo Patxi7 |
University of Arts in Belgrade, Faculty of Fine Arts | Serbia, Belgrade | vvvv is being used in the following two courses: Bachelor in Art Subject: Technology of New Media 3 (2 ECTS, Sound and Digital imaging with generative art practice in vvvv) Doctoral studies in Digital Art Subject: Interactive media (4 ECTS, code art and physical computing) Language: Serbian |
Aleksandra Jovanic aleksandra |
Southern California Institute of Architecture, SCI-Arc | United States, Los Angeles | vvvv is being offered as an elective course open to undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students.
Course Fall 2020: VS 2657 Systems and Imagination (General introduction Intro into Programming and Interactive Media Applications using vvvv, held in English) |
Curime |
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