geht ab wie ne rakete, alter! fei echt jetzt.
grasser kregor
i can c the potential, if this is the power of vvvv-then maybe i raised ventuz too high as better or so purely of the gui.
hi -visuality77, thats some amazing stuff, the window 4 education in africa 4 that is unbelievable especially 4 children.
PS I am an american, lol
Its ridiculous in america, whats next speech, thoughts they already have word patents
this would verrrrry cool as a video project. Note to all on software patents, We cannot as a race if we are bickering over our aquired knowledge.
EU-Parlament beerdigt Softwarepatentrichtlinie
to all: why not make a forum topic with all the pros and cons of other sw?
Virtools is hot, for game developers. Used it, its nice. Cheap for what you get, have you seen the price of unreal tournament engine? Something like 15 time more. Ventuz is OK, workflo is rigid although logical. Reminds me of eyesweb lol
2 cont: if i could do what Ventuz doe swith the power of vvvv and the GUI of Scala Infochannel, then i think that wud be an app in it's own element. Broadcast-3d-devices-power=simplicity.
If Scala Infochannel had run on its own so caled MMOS then maybe we wud see a realtime broadcast vj app, shame everything has to run under BG.
Thanks 4 the feedbak on Ventuz, much appreciated. Maybe compare Ventuz with Scala infochanel, considering it can control a whole host of devices too. Is that not the purpose of all VJ?
sheesh...didn't log in. for more info on virtools not concerning gaming google for strukt and andreas.
had a glimpse on virtools, seems to me quite unhandy and very gaming based...however there are some who raped it for making visuals
by the way anybody ever had a look on virtools? its superexpensive as i know but looks interessting. just curious...
its maybe much better if you do a presentation. for the general purpose vvvv its made for its gui is nearly perfect.
Ventuz is very handy, and the GUI is much better. BUT functionality - huh, it is 3d powerpoint for managers. There are nothing to comapare.
the ventuz GUI looks very chaotic if there is a large number of objects
vvvv is the best ! ; )
vvvv is completly differnt its like comparing the adobe suite to powerpoint - but having a timeline node would be fine anyway :-)
its something different for sure, but theres a suspicious amount of v's apearing as textures icons etc ;)
i don't see how you want to compare it; i have the feeling the purpose and therefore the design of each software is rather different
Head to head which out performs best Ventuz or vvvv?
i saw ventuz and was a bit impressed. but vvvv´s GUI is unbeatable IMHO.
timeline nodes are a long wished missing feature. anyway some users wrote their own gui. any chance for ventuz getting interactive?
...another thought, could Ventuz be vvvv with a face afterall?
Just been going thru Ventuz, it's impressive looks like or similar to vvvv, fantastic app. Any chance for vvvv to have aGUI?
COCOON CLUB is hiring / spread the word
hura. we´ll try that on the rudlplatzian wall asap! postworkshopperige grüsse, flow
anyone outa there, just guessing answer will do by(e) _tomorrow, tried: chanel didnt insert sws (was afraid) nor builded a nw file, couldnt find host or port, looking forward 2 tomorrow. nic
hi` trying to restart orad cyberset again but cant define the parameters on myself..can antone help before midnigt? nic
finally, you can download a module to sync videos in a boygroup: (sorry for being so late with that ...)
jes you can!
hey everybody- before i go shopping - is it possible to connect 2 webcams (usb) and use them in v4? performance/jitter doesn´t matter...
"Access to brainwave interpretation algorithms, developed over 20 years at leading Russian neural science research institutions" cool, that reminds me of a movie where they hijack a russian mindcontrolled jet... wouldn't this be a nice device for controlling vvvv?
man - das hättet ihr auch früher ankündigen können. --> vvvvorkshop -Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln. -- jetzt hab ichs verpasst ;(
Just got myself a pc fast enough to run this shizzle. Its adult visual lego! Love it...
spam in the forum! mmmh?
Thats a hell of a view you've got there!
Nice, welcome aboard
ni hau, from hongkong, everybody!
in tikiwiki 1.9 there is a funny keyword table to block some hot words ...
Thanks for having a look guys. I will work on it over time. its a great experiment. Thanks tonfilm , Sanch and Catweasle for the great shader work.
new shader, Lumakey:
tried to do it with the dynamic texture node and pipette but pipette is to slow for higher resolutions...
i've done this once with a spreaded pixelshader and 15 textureinputs. but it is ugly and slow. a volumetexture queue is a very ql idea..
you can use pixel shader for create the same effect , with 7 different texture input and a input with a mask and maybe two shader for more texture input
this would have the advantage that the individual textureslices would be blended automatic with the hardwarefilter...
i just wondered if its possible to use a videotexture over time as a volumetexture to do timeslicing effects like in visuality's chronosprojector link...
thx joreg, i allready made a volumentric dds worked fine.
now you can download my MeshDistortion patch as shown in th little video on my patches page:
i think you could also generate a volumetexture with this plugin for photoshop:
no, a spread of textures into the effect node will be spreaded over the subsets of the mesh. to have a volume texture you have to generate one using the dynamic texture node(s). but be aware of the finite memory of your gpu (dimensions of the 3d-texture
... dont think so ...
is it possible to use a spread of textures as one volumetric texture on a mesh?
I think this project could be built with slices in vvvv Just a thought
fleg: the foldout is essential part of that tiddliwiki thing, and i like it. but thx anyway!
tonfilm! thx for the hint: bugfix HEX (String Value).v4p here:\String
yes. background images are evil. and: the way the projects "fold out" is a bit confusing. i would go with individual pages? anyway, looks much nicer!
cool kale maybe the star in the background would be better only with one color
i reworked my website critics & opinions very welcome!
Hi mang, please check your private msg. i got a question concerning the spaceball thing.
(zomtec voice) yes i am. Me Bifibot. bifibifi. bifibifi.
55 online users? they are bots arent they?
hi slish, wthts going on carc_ti
hi carc_ti ! greetings to the hochebene :D
7_6 on my userpage now
I'll check it out again, thought I'd got all the boogers, got a new version actually...
when i tryout some examples from, than i´n able to play arround with it, because some nodes are missing and their connection as well, for example mixer 7.5, what can i do ??? regarding carc_ti from berlin
welcome !
(-: Syzygy has arrived!
but it s more difficult than pixelshader
yes, sometimes, one can create funny mesh deformations ...
Does someone work on Vertex Shaders?
too bad it doesn't work under GNU/linux...
and a other one halftone >>
new shader online:
ah ok, i see the reply (-:
@joreg: just posted at the forum, about the vvvvariables shown (syzygy's, intrinsic's, vvarp's and iua's don't show all).
:stalker see forum
....or PatchBox?
Hey ho, anyone using FreeFrame here?
ive got ja that bodensee right before the haustüre. I can see at the lake while working...
lets have a jump ...
up + running
thats understandable. me too but i have to work...
hi kiilo, und läuft sie schon?
yo radeon 9600XT is up + running // but i want to jump into the lake now ... sun sun sun
Anyone ever tried to use two graphic adapters AGP/PCI Express in one machine?
Hey In spanmode dualheaderndendering works perfect. trotz scheisscontrollcenter.!! Cool
no nvidea GeForce MX(MX 400 :o/ ... but tomorow i will buy a saphire Radeon 9600XT
Schöner Gruss aus Kavvel
ja, i definitely want to. i just don't find the time to clean them up and make them readable at at the moment;-)
... or some of them ...
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