Joreg, the links at the gallery do not fuzz. uahhhhäääää...
I reckon one might need the same amount of nodes to modify a queue this way. But well, who knows ?
Hi tonfilm, the main difference between stack and queue is, that the stack lets you write and delete data on the same end. that's a lot easier to handle when recording values. If you know how to do this with a queue, please give me a hint.
hi sven, your stack is useful, but you can build it simpler. use Queue and GetSlice, a stack is nearly the same like a queue.
Just uploaded "Stack (Spreads)". Cheers.
ahh. hab ich nix gesehen. mach doch noch links dahin von deiner userpage
hast du schon meine clips bei den user projects gesehen ???
sorry for sounding so stupid but how do I animate the events in the path?
sorry for sounding so stupid but how do I animate the events in the path?
sittin in the bottom of a ball
na joreg jetzt hier mal chatten ?
hey, how do you make that patchwindowbackground green like in the last screenshot of the day, hey and why they are gonna hate you for this? green is a peaceful color ;)
thanks guys. Sorry for editing wrong page. DOH! Good start eh? Thanks for the latest patch Sanch
ok it's great cool , i like the effect...
no. i made me a midi-file with notes where i wanted events. midi and sound run in parallel
cool video joreg you just use fft for audio synch effect?
he shorsh. you bored in the globe?
hey joreg, what´s up ???
New: SequencerNodeSet can be downloaded here:
yesss, it's alright now!
it's ok now , i uploaded a new zip! i think it's ok!
@sanche: fft-patch is not found, and one of the damper (animation transient), but looks nice anyway!!!!
thanks elektromeir
now it works perfect! beautifull!
i think it's ok now?
some directories point to the texturepatch folder some to vvvv modules but without userdirectories
hey sanch cool texture patch, but theres some mess with the user modules...
oops! see my user page
my last patch with texture Sanch (160.20 Kb)
big thank meso
yep, i got it. mail to you soon...
hi meso,have you recieve my second mail ? send to Sebastian
hallo aus dem schönen gelsenkirchen !!!
@devvvv zone: rollback of "User Files and Images" (which was edited by monkeyche) was no problem for me?!?
Monkeyche: go to and click that "?" behind UserpageMonkeyche, then you can edit your Userpage
Monkeyche: you edited the wrong page. i think you wanted to make your own UserPage?!?
Hey - happy new year from wiesbaden 2
sven: great modules! thanks!!!
ah... those brackets..
Now go for it... :D
UserPagesven is online! Please step in... ; )
happy new era!
auch von mir n frohes neues jahr!
happy new year - to all
also from me !!! happy new year !!
'nen guten rutsch allen - "a good slide" and a happy nevvvv year
boah! tonfilm! tebjan! chapeau.
mayb this will be a Link
just uploaded some modules to generate shades from objects on a plane This should be the link
yeesss ! now we can do primefactorysation ... but my time has some limits these days ..
New Module: IntegerDivisors (Spreads).v4p
see my last video in electrochoc project
the "blue lines" are a prearrangement for a live installation around new year. at the moment i can´t give it away. sorry
sorry for thumbs i forgot beta8.1...
can i have it??? please :)
who did that blue lines? great!!! who did it???????
I uploaded 2 more modules I made for prime numbers. You never know, when u need a prime number...
hey ampop, great primes module ! you really think in spreds ;) german cooking recipe wiki---
New video on electrochoc project!!
rebuilding thumbs did nothing, when I tried it. and i can't figure out, why some thumbs remain black... (using newest beta)
ah. ampop is here. any idea? how about rebuilding the thumbs? and have a look in the gallery there are still some older images without a thumb
its not me
mm. strange.. you are using beta8.1?
you mean the black thumbs?
sorry for screenshooter tiki bug?
open source!!!
work for me and my friend! ??
yo sanche! links on your site not working
my perso website
fun with triangles is now complete. forgot the module.
+ splitcam is the choice when using eyesweb + vvvv :o)
ampop nice video
the cavern is work in progress. feels like something is still missing. kommt zeit, kommt rat
and even more offline! beta8 had 1179 downloads. thats like...hey, how many people are there on earth?
99 users online??? wow!
splitcam works. joreg: great movie, freakin' me out!
for now this is not necessary. we'll let you know when vvvv needs it.
btw.: i saw, that directX 9.0c is available. should i install this?
cheers kalle, direct x was the probem - it's all just a bit new to me!
yes thank
aah, you got it!!
hi Sanche! look your messages!
see you later ;-)
no not yet...
have you a web site
hmm... im dont know tikiwiki as well...
how make my project page
cool idea, im really impressed...
cool stuff... espeacially the zoetrope with real sculptures
"real" sculpture
ohh i have found it right now...
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