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Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Schnittstelle zwischen Gestaltung und Machine Learning. Bleibe ich Gestalter, wenn ich der Maschine nur den richtigen Denkanstoß gebe?
MACHINE EYES ist eine kleine Anwendung, die den User kleine Teile eines Gesamtbilds an ein BigBiGAN geben lässt. Dieses Machine Learning Model überlegt dann, ob es Objekte oder Regelmäßigkeiten in dem Ausschnitt erkennt und versucht, diese "in eigenen Bildern" wiederzugeben. Durch die bewusste Wahl über die Größe und Positionierung des Auschnitts kann die visuelle Abstrahierung gesteuert werden.
Entwickelt in vvvv gamma + RunwayML
Musik: CC BY-NC 4.0 Maarten Schellekens
Data visualization based on materials for article made for and using code
During the Christmas Season Illuminarium show takes place in the Zurich National Museum.
For that occasion a 360 degrees mapping was custom created, with its Interactive Multi player Pinball game.
Cliente: Illuminarium Zurich --
Dirección de arte y producción: Ivan Val
Diseño: Itziar Arriaga
Programación y hardware: Abraham Manzanares, Paqui Castillo
Desarrollo gráfico 2D: Javier Burgos, Ignacio Méndez
Desarrollo gráfico 3D. Mario Jimenez, Alberto Vega
Sonorización: Sergio Geval
credits Landesmuseum,Illuminarium,thingshappen,projektil,colorsound
During the Christmas Season Illuminarium show takes place in the Zurich National Museum.
For that occasion a 360 degrees mapping was custom created, with its Interactive Multi player Pinball game.
Cliente: Illuminarium Zurich --
Dirección de arte y producción: Ivan Val
Diseño: Itziar Arriaga
Programación y hardware: Abraham Manzanares, Paqui Castillo
Desarrollo gráfico 2D: Javier Burgos, Ignacio Méndez
Desarrollo gráfico 3D. Mario Jimenez, Alberto Vega
Sonorización: Sergio Geval
It is my first project and I hope it will be the first of many projects.
The project is very simple, a two-day event in which vvvv receives data from some bicycles in real time through an api by httpget and shows power and speed data on some LED totems. With osc I control everything. I am really very excited about this !!!!
Concept, production and video: VOLNA
Technical support: 2A Production
Lighting operator: Mark Zaicev
Photo and camera: Polina Korotaeva, VOLNA, Denis Denisov
Special thanks: Denis Filippov, James Ginzburg
Commissioned by Roots United
© VOLNA (2021)
Nebula fills the space above the dance floor and bar of the club K-30 in St. Petersburg. Its image is inspired by a variety of interstellar nebulae that emit and scatter light.
Dynamic light spills through a translucent material from the top of the dance floor, creating the effect of a floating astronomical cloud that shimmers across the entire visible spectrum of colors. The installation consists of aluminum LED lines that serve as loads weighing down on a polyamide translucent fabric. The dimensions of the installation are 5×3×11 m.
Concept and production: VOLNA
Technical support: 2A Production
Photo and video: VOLNA
Commissioned by Roots United
© VOLNA (2021)
At the heart of this installation is the image of reeds growing by the water and the unique sounds they make when the wind is blowing. We designed thin technological “stems” and kinetic “inflorescences” in the characteristic shape of reeds. They are controlled by the force of the wind, creating an effect of flickering light reacting to air currents. The installation is located right beside the water at the K-30 club promenade and lets viewers experience a futuristic reeded wilderness with a view of the Neva River.
credits Sune Petersen aka. MOTORSAW @sunep Thomas Li
This year a new collaboration has seen the light of day. The collaboration is between Sune Petersen and Thomas Li.
We call ourselves LI //// MOTORSAW.
Thomas Li perform live on a modular synth setup with various additions.
MOTORSAW performs live on a generative audiovisual setup live texture feedback based visuals that are being sonified.
The past weeks we had our first concerts. Here is the recording from the latest concert.
The gyrovagues were wandering, marginal and undisciplined monks, outsiders of the community and without a fixed residence; they lived off the charity and hospitality of others.
Lorenzo de Medici was a poet, patron, statesman, philosopher and seducer. He sought aesthetic enjoyment and contemplation rather than action.
It is unlikely that they coincided; neither in time nor in space.
credits Juan Hurlé, Dj Stingray 313
Real Time generative graphics by Juan Hurle, made with love in VVVV using Vl.Audio and the HLSL Language.
Music: Dj Stingray 313
Label: Micron Audio
Lettering : Leiras Ownlife
Stingray 3d Model based on Nicholas DaRocha
Thanks to Zoey Lee, Everyoneishappy, Inigo Quilez, evvvvil, Frankenburger, Shane, the VVVV Team, and the whole shadertoy community for sharing their invaluable knowledge and expertise, without it, this project could have never been completed.
And of course my gratitude goes to the man / dj / superhero : Sherard Ingram aka the DJ Stingray 313
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