Who Schmiede 2014
When Thu, Sep 11th 2014 - 08:00 until Sun, Sep 21st 2014 - 12:00
Where Pernerinsel , Salzburg, Hallein, Austria
Every year an abandoned industrial salt refinery on an island in Hallein, Austria opens up to around 300 Smiths and their ideas. We physically gather in order to get inspired, network, create, present and share. Schmiede provides a basic cooperative prototyping environment and an infrastructure full of impulses and passionate people.
11.-21. September 2014
Pernerinsel in Hallein, Salzburg, Austria.
Cost Participation:
Application closes:
30th May
Application confirmation:
15th June
Age limit:
Schmiede is a producers festival and community, a playground where our ideas come to play.
Since 2003 annually, Schmiede produces this focused collective experience far off on an island in the Austrian countryside. We provide space, time, basic tools, food, events, a heterogeneous group of participants (Smiths), guests and projects. Schmiede unites to work and connect - genre, origin, tribe, eating habits - it doesn´t matter, motivation, quality and the will to work and engage with others are the core criteria.
Schmiede receives around 200-250 applications per year. Schmiede accepts around 150 participants a year (numbers vary according to background eg.: a musician needs more space than a graphic designer) and invites around 30 guests. The SchmiedeNetwork consists of around 500 producers from over 20 nations and 5 continents. The annual mix of participants is split between 60% returning participants and 40% new participants. The age distribution is focused lies between 18 and 45, however the majority of Schmiede participants range from 20 to 35.
For ten days the Saline in Hallein becomes an open and free playground (2000m2) for 150+ digital creatives and artists from all around the world. Depending on the needs and possibilities of its members the SmithNetwork moves along the borders of art, culture, handcraft and creative industries. Schmiede ends with the SchmiedeWorkshow, a grand public exhibition, where the Smith productions of the past ten days are presented to the the public and media.
Do you have a project in mind, but don't have the space, people or tools to realize it?
Do you want to meet like minded creatives to collaborate, exchange ideas or just get inspired?
Do you want to present your project or idea in front of your peers and get feedback?
Schmiede might be the right place for you to get started or continue.
Austria, Salzburg, Hallein
SchmiedePrinciples: NETWORK, CREATE, PRESENT
pictures say more: http://issuu.com/schmiede/docs/schmiede12presentation
Schmiede12: ZERO program: http://issuu.com/schmiede/docs/schmiede12_program
a larger bilingual documentation: http://issuu.com/schmiede/docs/schmiede10-discontent
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