» Diploma Universitario en Tecnologías para la Creación
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Diploma Universitario en Tecnologías para la Creación

Who io
When Mon, Sep 15th 2014 - 00:19 until Mon, Jun 15th 2015 - 00:19
Where ULL Universidad de La Laguna, Spain

Hi, finally I go to Uni, never too late ;)

I ll be teaching vvvv as one of the many interesting things taught in this course, officially part of the Arts studies of La Laguna University (Canary Islands, Spain).

All courses are taught in Spanish, you must either be a student of arts or a professional of the sector to be admitted for pre-selection.

more info:


Tec es el acrónimo de Diploma Universitario en Tecnologías para la Creación de la Universidad de la Laguna.
Su objetivo fundamental es completar y actualizar la formación de licenciados, graduados o estudiantes de segundo ciclo en Bellas Artes, Arquitectura, Ciencias de la Información, Comunicación Audiovisual, Publicidad, y cualquier otra disciplina relacionada con la creación, implementando su perfil profesional con conocimientos en las últimas tecnologías.
io, Thursday, May 22nd 2014 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 4 comments  
Noir 22/05/2014 - 10:32

Bravo simone
buona notizia

lasal 22/05/2014 - 12:35

Genial simone!

aaa 22/05/2014 - 23:59

me encantaría... pero qué lejos está la laguna

io 03/09/2014 - 16:30

the course has been finally confirmed and approved and we got students... the vvvv program will be taught during the month of March 2015 by myself.

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~2d ago

joreg: vvvvTv S0204 is out: Custom Widgets with Dear ImGui: https://youtube.com/live/nrXfpn5V9h0

~2d ago

joreg: New user registration is currently disabled as we're moving to a new login provider: https://visualprogramming.net/blog/2024/reclaiming-vvvv.org/

~10d ago

joreg: vvvvTv S02E03 is out: Logging: https://youtube.com/live/OpUrJjTXBxM

~12d ago

~13d ago

joreg: Follow TobyK on his Advent of Code: https://www.twitch.tv/tobyklight

~17d ago

joreg: vvvvTv S02E02 is out: Saving & Loading UI State: https://www.youtube.com/live/GJQGVxA1pIQ

~17d ago

joreg: We now have a presence on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/vvvv-group

~24d ago

joreg: vvvvTv S02E01 is out: Buttons & Sliders with Dear ImGui: https://www.youtube.com/live/PuuTilbqd9w

~1mth ago

joreg: vvvvTv S02E00 is out: Sensors & Servos with Arduino: https://visualprogramming.net/blog/2024/vvvvtv-is-back-with-season-2/

~1mth ago