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I am from avs-mixer

Grandchild, Monday, Oct 18th 2010 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 9 comments  
haythemblue 19/10/2010 - 18:12


r4dian 20/10/2010 - 12:07

As in Winamp AVS? Colour me interested.
or AVS = avi synth?

Grandchild 20/10/2010 - 19:10

AVS as in Winamp :)

This is a patch that will grab up to four AVS windows (quad- or hex-core much needed), or anything really, and mix them together. various image processing parameters and blendmodes included.

Once this is finished or at least out of beta stage I will share it here...

r4dian 21/10/2010 - 18:43

I'm doing something similar (MIDI controlled and mixes 2 AVSes) I'm trying to work out how to send fake keypresses to the AVS windows to change presets now - either with SendMessage (Windows) or C#. I'll post it here at some stage too.

Grandchild 21/10/2010 - 21:18

Oh cool! Once you achieve sending next/prev to AVS please share!

Are you making AVS presets as well? Because if you do you might be interested in this APE called miditrace: http://web.archive.org/web/20070125140846/http://www.forwind.net/pixelcorps/miditrace.ape
It receives MIDI and these can be used in the presets. So you can send out virtual MIDI via VVVV and then use that in AVS :)

Most of these ideas are from microdee btw, he had the original idea to do this, and I have been elaborating on that.

kalle 21/10/2010 - 22:35

aaaaaaahm , without looking into it.
didn't vux do sth for Winamp?

just a hunch

Grandchild 21/10/2010 - 22:59

Yeah I know he did, and that would've been my starting point. But afaik it only does play/pause and we would have to address a plugin running in Winamp... but it should be possible.

r4dian 23/10/2010 - 20:18

I've got stuck

I've seen miditrace thanks, but do you have docs for it? I couldn't find any. I've also seen various people say they've added preset switching via MIDI to the AVS sourcecode, but i've never seem a working build.

microdee 25/10/2010 - 15:40

miditrace is easy it receives midinotes and write it on the first 128 elements of getosc(X,X,1)

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