» HOL | x=x
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HOL | x=x


Using as title a Ludwig Wittgenstein formula, this composition deals with references, meanings and similarities. Is there something that is completely identical to another? How far you can make copies without changing the original? Do the copies themselves change the meaning of the original? Questioning tautological concepts, the performance aims to show in sound and image, this relationship. The work is performed using video-mapping techniques, creating illusions of three-dimensional depth to the viewer. On two symmetrical screens, shapes and objects are opposed, seeking to analyze, through images and sounds, the relations of equality, reality, their significant and meaning.

The composition is divided into five parts, each one dealing with a theme in some way related to the work title. In the first part, the images speak of identity. Something or someone can be exactly like another? what characterizes the identity? Why do people constantly seek an identification with a group, trying to fit into labels that would ensure an identity "itself." The second part deals with the relationship between signifier and signified. Testing the limits of language, a poem is spoken beginning with phrases that have meanings and logic and, over time, deconstructions in the syntax and the creation of neologisms lead to a search for the ineffable, the whole that is beyond language. The next part subject is the illusion of the senses. Optical illusions suggest that what we see is not always the truth, if it really exists. In the fourth part, are treated opposites (x equal to not x). With minimal use of colors, graphics will fight for a space on the screen. The final part is about the limit of use of the words. There are no words sufficient to noun everything that exists, so gaps are formed. In an attempt to create a utopian spectrum that could name everything, words and phrases are broken down, leaving its original form and seek to belong to a continuous thread that connects all that exists.

more info: http://hol.1mpar.com

1mpar, Wednesday, Jun 8th 2011 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 0 comments  
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