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Some new & improved nodes + bugfixes but the tasty new flavors are Noise & CSG implementations.
New textureless magic noise suite based largely on the great GLSL postings of
to use in a shader see InstanceNoodles\nodes\modules\Common\NoodleNoise.fxh
Of course there are nodes for people that don't want to mess with shader code though.
Includes 2D and 3D Perlin, Simplex and Worley, all with single octave noise as well as FBM, Turbulence & Ridge flavors. Worley comes with various distance metrics & cell functions. To get an idea of the (many) Worley combinations here's a nice reference:
image source:
Constructive Solid Geometry finally... Realtime implementation using distance fields stored in 3D textures or 'volumes'. Picture speaks a thousand words:
As well as the standard Union, Intersection & Difference operations as pictured above, 16(!) other combination operations ported from the very sexy GLSL raymarch lib:
New DX11.TextureFX nodes
New Compute nodes
New DX11.Geometry nodes
New DX11.Volume nodes (mostly for CSG ops)
for fast peek at the results:
Changed /fixed Nodes
DX11.GeomFX modules now have max elements pin. Set to 0 by defualt, which will use the old automatic behavior, or any other positive number for manual setting
+ various small bug fixes that I'm too lazy to type.
Feel free to use in your creative & commercial projects, just please make sure to give credit as per license below.
CCBY 2016
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Wow..incredible stuff. Thanks so much for sharing!
wow big up for the work!!
CSG... how hard was that?
do you have a CSG demo patch ? cheers...
well it's a fairly naive implementation, you may find the resolution to be a limiting factor. But after playing with raymarching it was actually very easy to make.
check help patches for combineSDF or SDFtoMesh. Basically you can keep combining primitives with the combine node in a chain.
hm, for some reasons csgs dont render. neither with previewvolume nor with SDFtoMesh. No red nodes, no error messages...
GPU is GTX 980 Ti
Someone else had that, we worked out that they were not having shader uint types come up as pins in patch. I'm not sure what the fix is for that yet (are you using current DX11?), but as a workaround you can change uint to int. So for example in SphereSDF change
was not using the most recent dx11 pack. installing version 0.6.1-x64 from here directx11-nodes-alpha solved the issue.
thx kyle.
thank you for this great update! sdfs! i´ve got problems: surface distortion shader throws error in line 71:...GET seems to be unknown.
downloaded the update twice to make sure: my fxh folder is empty. is this on purpose? shouldn´t the noise.fxh be in there?
allthebest, dd
can change lines 71-73 to:
fixed for next release, thanks.
thank you! works perfectly.