I am from United Kingdom
it seems to be a nice stuff! how you'd like an integration in Emeshe? ;)
I'll have a look at Emeshe. Haven't got round to it yet.
Is your cook torrance not doing the job anyway?
yeah cook torrance does the job, i thought if you have other magic going on with environment maps ;)
Ah right. Yep it should be easy to add that to Emeshe
It's all about the IBL :)
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~2mth ago
~3mth ago
~4mth ago
it seems to be a nice stuff! how you'd like an integration in Emeshe? ;)
I'll have a look at Emeshe. Haven't got round to it yet.
Is your cook torrance not doing the job anyway?
yeah cook torrance does the job, i thought if you have other magic going on with environment maps ;)
Ah right. Yep it should be easy to add that to Emeshe
It's all about the IBL :)