» raytracer with high-poly mesh
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raytracer with high-poly mesh

My vvvv-based raytracer now supports high-polygon meshes in OBJ format

polyrhythm, Tuesday, Apr 16th 2019 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 6 comments  
mburk 16/04/2019 - 11:24

Great work!

tekcor 16/04/2019 - 11:29

fantastic, watching closely the development, if you can share some more details about which method you are implementing, would be highly appreciated

microdee 16/04/2019 - 12:48

that is so mind blowing man!

polyrhythm 17/04/2019 - 13:16

Thanks for the commnts!

@tekcor - I plan to add more meat to the documentation of my raytracer once it gets a public beta (alpha?) sometime in a month or two. For now, I can briefly summarize that it's a GPU-based unidirectional pathtracer that uses multiple importance sampling to relatively quickly converge on a final image without being too biased. It currently supports metallic and dielectric materials but I'll add at least glass and maybe some others before I release.

As for geometry, it supports packing an SDF into a volume texture and tracing against that (from Field Trip even!) or importing a standard OBJ mesh. Material creation, geometry placement, and lights are done through VL and fed via dynamic buffers into the shaders. I also support some basic primitives like boxes and spheres for playing around without using real models.

For lights, I currently support point, spot, and area.

For performance, I so far have a pretty naive BVH system that can allow me to trace against models with upwards of 100k vertices at near-interactive framerates. Have another screenie fo' free!

mburk 24/04/2019 - 12:23

If I find the time, I could do an VL adapter for your materials and lights, so they could be used with superphysical. Would be nice, to have a scene rendered with real time rasterisation and also be able to create pathtraced renderings.

tonfilm 24/04/2019 - 12:48

that would be awesome, design scenes in real-time with superphysical and then render a polished shot with the tracer... +1!

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