credits tamschick,vux,aivenhoe,colorsound
Visitors pass different zones while moving through the exhibition.
The Intro shows illustrations of 8 Objects representing the technologies to be discussed in the upcoming „TING“-Debates combined with contradictory quotes reflecting on the relationship between democracy
and technology.
Then a basic wooden block, analog to the digital pixel, becomes a haptic tool for visitors to trigger digital interactions within the exhibition and to cast their votes within the TING.
Moving further a section with iconic objects serves as case study area, that demonstrates that the value and impact of the technologies behind can be interpreted in many positive and negative ways.
There is not one meaning or truth, but many possible uses and impacts.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is the grand amphitheater-like space of the TING
Norsk Teknisk Museum, Oslo,
Ralph Appelbaum Associates Berlin
Ralph Appelbaum Associates Berlin
BLUWI Music and Sounddesign GbR
vvvv system programming:
Julien Vulliet
Ivo Schüssler
Abraham Manzanares
© Manfred H. Vogel
Concept, media design, screenplay, direction, creative direction, art direction, production and postproduction, animation and motion design, interaction programming, light programming, music and sound design, implementation
Marc Tamschick
Tobias Ziegler
Natalie van Sasse van Ysselt
Marc Osswald
High-resolution video projection displaying linear video & real-time 2D & 3D graphics with a resolution of 5280x1056 pixels,
Interactive table, diameter 4m, resolution 1200x1200 pixels
IR-Tracking of untreated wooden cubes, 10 Microsoft tablets with real-time 2D & 3D graphics graphics
3-Channel-Audio, Web-Interface for comment functionality
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