credits Players: Iris Andraschek, Joshua Thornton, Steven Morel, Diego Shea, Dan McGee, Jenny Parsons, Randy Martin, Dyan Jones. Twilio, Python and VVVV support by Rob King. Camera by Michael Tweed.
Jordan Bimm, NOW Magazine:
Geoffrey Shea takes on digital billboards with his interactive music projection piece TRIO. Revellers will be confronted by large projections of three folk musicians jamming, while corresponding audio tracks mix together to create a song. Viewers can dial a number on their mobile devices to change musicians in the trio – there’s a pool of nine, each with a different instrument – and create a new audio mix in the process.
Shea says he chose to showcase folk music because of its politics of participation and inclusion. “Folk was started by people who felt like they had something to say, who wanted to get involved. As a genre, it puts less emphasis on technique, and makes music more accessible.”
While it might seem contradictory to link folk music and high technology, Shea explains that the connection is all about art and democracy. “Everyone is getting creative with digital media these days, so I see media art as the new folk art.”
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