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credits stain, lazyfish, alg, alexander stavtsev
MIMPI /mobile interactive multiparametric image/
is an experiment with abstract generative image and simple multiuser interactivity.
Everyone can have an influence on the image with tilting an iOS or Android device connscted to the gallery wireless network.
Sound by Lazyfish is also realtime synthesized and forms a whole with the image, receiving parameters via OSC.
Audience interaction with the installation becomes a kind of collective game or even meditation, depending on participants' mood and actions.
credits mino, GK TECH Inc.
GK Design Group 60th Anniversary
Nov 15th 2012
Tokyo, Japan
This model is meant to verify that it can float and move in the air. It is considered that different degrees of flotation can be gained by combining tetra balloons in different ways.
credits dotdotdot
hi vvvvolks,
as promise here another installation made in 2010 by dotdotdot, it is a Dynamic 3D mapped scenography designed for the program Viva La Crisi.
more information here
produced for Rai Educational
21st May to 6th August 2010
credits Elliot Woods Kyle McDonald
Interact by changing your viewpoint from within the room. Specific viewpoints cause the mirrors to show defined shapes, others create abstract composition of lines and color.
Elliot Woods
Kyle McDonald
Eno Henze
Jeanne Charlotte Vogt
Festival production
David Brüll
Valérie-Françoise Vogt
Wurst case scenario: Forays into food robotics.
(Amuse-gueules for our NODE13 reception)
The MESO Team:
Max Wolf, Sebastian Oschatz, Nikos Mechanezidis, Felix Heibeck, Carina Zimmermann, Miriam Hohmuth
(c) 2013 by MESO Digital Interiors GmbH
Many thanks to vux and Dottore :)
Hi evvvverybody,
first of all i have to say SHAME ON ME for non posting projects since a long time here...
for few reasons... first of all i'm lazy... than i'm not always up to date buying vvvv licences (but don't tell this to the vvvv group guys)
last but not least, we are very bad documenting our projects... (if I may advise you, this should be the most important part of every installations).
Any way, like a “New Year's promise" or better as "after #NODE13's promise" i will post our best installations, done in the last 3 years, starting from this... once a week.
So, lets talk about this installation done in 2010 that i'm really proud... done by dotdotdot together with elliotwood of the kimchiandchips studio and gaz of uberact.
ist eine Wanderausstellung. Wir ziehen von Berg zu Berg, von Parkour zu Parkour und zeigen was Freeride bedeutet!
Wir haben es geschafft, einen Extrem-Sport in vier Container zu packen und bieten weitaus mehr als nur Informationen. Das Gefühl von Freiheit steht im Zentrum. Wir informieren über die Geburtsstunde in Kalifornien, die Gefahr, den Kick und das High-Tech-Equipment des Freeridings. Hier erfahrt ihr das Wichtigste, um euch selbst von den Hängen dieser Welt herunter zu stürzen und von Schanzen durch die Luft
katapultiert zu werden.
Freeride bedeutet, deinen eigenen Weg zugehen! Deine
Grenzen nur zu spüren, um sie zu überwinden! Wachse über dich hinaus und trainiere auf den Strecken deiner Umgebung. Freeriden ist überall und jeder der Fahrrad fahren kann, hat die Möglichkeit, dieses Gefühl zu erfahren.
credits DIDIF - DUBIT
Made in real-time with vvvv
Notes from the release:
Dubit Untitled002 / CONNECTION 2013
The Humans need communication and connection with others in order to develop a clear view of their living environment for understand themselves and for be happy of not be alone.
This project is the connections between minds and places, voiding distances and evolving in communication.
DIDIF has made the Live 3D animation that synchronizes the frequencies and Dubit generated the Hz.
Untitled002 is the second step of a series of Audio compositions connected to generic projects such Video, Sound Design, Media etc.
Presented by
SOLUXION LAB | Mastering / Sound Design / Mixdown
This is an interactive installation with an effect made entirely in vvvv and controlled with the Microsoft Kinect. It is 100% realtime.
Sadely, recording is not perfect here as it is realtime full HD and recorded live... quite hard to have it nice and clean...
Music : Bruno Sanfilippo - Piano Texture
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