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Boygrouping 是指vvvv中内置的客户端-服务器架构。它使得你可以从一台服务器上控制任意数量的渲染机(也就是客户端)。你在服务器上完成所有的编程工作,vvvv会安排所有相连的客户端来运行 n'sync <!-- now you know why it's called 'boygrouping'-->。使用boygrouping技术的应用程序通常都是多屏系统或者无缝拼接的投影装置。
beta22版中提供了一个新功能,可以使一个客户端监听多个服务器。 仔细阅读下面的MultiBoygrouping部分以深入了解,但第一步还是要保证你已经理解了传统的设置方法:
C:\MYPROJECT\patches C:\MYPROJECT\resources C:\MYPROJECT\vvvv
boygrouping不在网络上传输任何资源(纹理,视频,特效文件, .. )。只有原始数据(值,字符串,颜色,枚举)被自动处理。因此,服务器上的程序片上调用的所有的资源,必须在客户端上对应的文件系统中也能获得。使用额外的工具可以轻松地使一台服务器与多台客户端同步目录结构。参见 RemoterSA 或 kalles file modules.
程序片中客户端的部分是相当透明的。其实 在所有客户端上都没有什么程序片要做 。你只要以 vvvv.exe /client [服务器IP地址] 命令行参数 这样的带命令行参数的方式运行vvvv:
vvvv.exe /client
假设 是服务器的IP地址。您可以通过检查任务栏来验证vvvv是不是在客户端模式上运行,vvvv的窗口标题应该是: //CLIENT of
在服务器上用 /server 命令行参数 这样的参数启动vvvv,注意任务栏上的vvvv按钮现在显示 SERVER! 以指明当前模式。
vvvv.exe /server
为了让服务器知道需要处理哪些客户端,需创建一个 Boygroup (VVVV Server) 服务器节点。然后将这个结点的clients引脚连到一个包含你所有客户端的IP地址的铺展上,通常你的程序片最后有点像这样:
So far all clients would really always do everything in complete sync which isn't of much use. Consider Justin, Lance, JC, Joey and Chris performing their dancemovements all at the very same position on stage. While this would cause interesting artefacts it just wouldn't work in our limited 3 dimensions. Therefore boygrouping introduces a ClientID which is the only feature that lets you distinguish between the clients (and indeed the server) from a patchs view.
The Boygroup (VVVV Client) node returns a different ID from 0 up to ClientsCount – 1 on each client. The order depends on the spread of IP-addresses you entered on the Boygroup (VVVV Server) node. IP in slice 0 will be ClientID 0, IP in slice 1 will be ClientID 1 and so on. Note that on the server Boygroup (VVVV Client) returns whatever value you set on its ServerID input and whatever value you choose for the ServerID has no effect on the clients. Changing the ServerID simply lets you simulate any of the clients on the server.
For a simple test patch see
There you see the Boygroup (VVVV Client) node in action. In the example it is used to set the camera to a different offset on each client.
The standard boygrouping scenario is that you still want to be patching on the server while your clients already are in fullscreen. Therefore you'll want the Renderers Fullscreen pin be set to 1 on the clients but 0 on the server. Remember that the only way to distinguish the server from all the clients (and the clients from each other) is the ClientID. Depending on this you can patch something like the following to have a renderer on the server in windowed mode while it is fullscreen on all clients.
Simply put clients cannot only obey to one master but receive patches and values from any number of servers you want them to.
Imagine the following setup: You have 65 projectors showing one continuous visual, but also at times they are supposed to show special content in 5 clusters of around 12 projectors each. Here, instead of having one server that needs to compute all the patches of the master-visual and the individual area contents at once you can make use of MultiBoygrouping. Specify one master server that has all the clients connected and provides the master-visual and dedicate 5 area-servers to provide individual area contents that are only connected to the individual areas clients.
Also imagine a live collaborative event where you have some clients connected to projectors and multiple operators connected to them at the same time with their own server...
Practically the only thing you need to do to assign a client to multiple servers, is starting it with additional /client commandline parameters, like:
/client /client
Note that here it is necessary to use a different port for every connection as described in the FAQ about network ports below.
see tonfilm-VideoSync?
When having to deal with a large number of clients it is often useful to start/stop vvvv.exe or other processes on all of them with just one click from the server. Also you may want to reboot/shutdown/WakeOnLAN individual clients or establish a VNC connection to one of them for debugging. All this and some more can conveniently be done with our separate tool: RemoterSA.
Alternatively some of those features could be even patched using the Remote Shell node RSh (Network). Also see RSH HowTo.
This shortcut only works in server-mode. Start vvvv with the /server flag to enable boygrouping.
Yep. that is very likely so. The solution to this problem is simple: Instead of having a bang between a blue and a gray node patch it so you have only a changing value (e.g. counting up a value) being transmitted via the network. The first blue node is then a Change (Animation) to convert the valuechange to your desired bang.
For an explanation read on: server and clients are not framesynced. It is most likely that clients run faster than the server, which usually has some overhead. Even though the bang will definitely be sent from the server it may just arrive on clients in between frames and be discarded. A bang is essentially a change to 1 followed by a change back to 0 in the next frame. If both those messages arrive on the client in the same frame only the last message is taken resulting in a loss of the bang.
Per default vvvv establishes a TCP connection on port 3333 to every client for transmitting all graph changes. All value changes are being broadcast on UDP port 3333. You can change that default port via the Boygroup (VVVV Server) nodes Network Port pin. Note though, that if you do so you also have to start your clients with a modified startup command like this:
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