From 14th to 18th March 05 hyperwerk invited to help them realize their nomadix-project.
Nomadix is a project spanning a whole year with the goal to develop a partly real, partly virtual exhibition architecture with the focus und presenting screenbased work. It will be first be used for the inhouse diploma presentations of 2005 in october.
The video below gives a first impression of what the nomads are supposed to look like.
Students are receiving an about two day basic hardcore vvvv treatment. The remaining days are used to work on topics specifically evolving from the project, like organising a big vvvv project, communicating with a WLAN handheld, controlling stepper motors, Boygrouping, and, und, aussi,..
Below you find a listing of topics we've been discussing and some of the patches that emerged thereby. Fairly undocumented, but if you are looking for an intro to a newbie you should have a look at the Tutorials anyway. (43.19 Kb)</a>
Additionally mounting a virtual camera in front of the nomads always facing their front. The resulting view is what the projector in the nomad will finally project into the cone. A nomad thus becomes a looking-glass into a "parallel world" which, besides the nomads will eventually host icons representing the all the diploma projects videos.
Boygrouping: We dared setting up a boygroup right on all the workshop participants pcs and laptops. A server connected to 10 clients whose hardware and software was most diverse: different notebook brands, shuttles, midi-towers, graphics-cards of different manufacturers running with different versions of drivers. in three words: a big mess.
And so was the result. Rendering of course basically worked. But all the clients showed slightly different behavior. Especially tearing in fullscreen didn't want to go away on some cards. And many just didn't want to animate their lfo smoothly.
Conclusion: If you want to try\do boygroupig seriously make sure to have uniform hard- and software if you don't want to use excuses all the time.
Working in groups on various topics:
Inspecting the workshops result. 3 clients connected to a server. The server (left) is showing an overview over the scene while each of the clients shows a view into one of the nomads.
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