GUI-Element for selecting directory and files within the renderer (by mouseclick)
either x-, y- or xy-slider
toggle or bang (14.49 Kb)</a>
modification of ele's Text (EX9 Monospace) for usage with spaced fonts (EX9 Metrics) (5.77 Kb)</a>
creates a fontmap /w alpha for ele's Text (EX9 Monospaced) and my Text (EX9 Metrics) (EX9. FontMap).zip (6.69 Kb)</a>
add & delete slices at any position (Spreads).zip (3.25 Kb)</a>
CAR (Spreads) with BinSize option (Spreads BinSize).zip (2.12 Kb)</a>
CDR (Spreads) with BinSize option (Spreads BinSize).zip (2.13 Kb)</a>
takes ranges from 0 - 1 as inputs and resamples them sequentially to the given BinSize (Spreads).zip (2.65 Kb)</a>
Let your spreads grow. the growing slice morphs from the last value to the desired one, then the next starts growing...
outdated - now available as plugin woei.Plugins
outdated - now available as plugin woei.Plugins
3dimensional brother of CircularSpread (Spreads) (4.06 Kb)</a>
Clones Instances of the same Subpatch to different names, which makes it possible to modify the structure of each instance independently.
Select nodes and haven them packed into a subpatch with in and outgoing connections (11.87 Kb)</a>
Outputs all files (modules, fx, freeframe, subpatches, images, x, audio...) contained within the patch.
not yet working for stuff inside other stuff... to come... (41.51 Kb)</a>
Lets you select all available vvvv windows for killing their border (like hitting ctrl+8) (VVVV) (3.49 Kb)</a>
for changing IOBox (Value Advanced) to some different states w/o Inspector (VVVV).zip (3.55 Kb)</a>
set size and position of the windowed ex9 renderer (3.84 Kb)</a>
forces an IOBox to toggle just one of N
Calculates the difference while toggled. (Animation).zip (2.44 Kb)</a>
Saves the last value and adds the input when toggled. (Animation).zip (2.74 Kb)</a>
works with values exceeding the scope between 0 - 1. additional output pin for the difference (Animation Advanced).zip (2.62 Kb)</a>
compares two incoming spreads for matches within its distinct slices (String Advanced).zip (2.71 Kb)</a>
something like = (Spectral); checks the incoming spread for equals and outputs the count and the index of occurrence (3.27 Kb)</a>
insert new slices into a spread of strings as you expect it from insertslice (String).v4p (6.32 Kb)</a>
compares two folders (+subfolders), creates the missing subfolders and copies the missing files (File).zip (4.46 Kb)</a>
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