» Writer (EX9.Texture)
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Writer (EX9.Texture)

Help Save the texture connected to the format selected
Author vvvv group

Here you are supposed to see an image (rendered with SVG) describing the pins of this node. However, this does not work with Internet Explorer. You may want to consider using another browser, like FireFox, Chrome, Safari or Opera that do support SVG.


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about Writer (EX9.Texture)


How do I get an alphachannel from Writer (Texture)?

This node has an inlet that activates alpha. Anyway, the DirectX built in filewriter has a bug and doesn't write .png files with alpha channel. We didn't find any statement about this but we can't get it to work either.
In the .dds file format the alpha-channel is written correctly. You may open .dds file using a plugin from [http://developer.nvidia.com/object/nv_texture_tools.html}
and convert it to any other format.

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~2d ago

joreg: vvvvTv S0204 is out: Custom Widgets with Dear ImGui: https://youtube.com/live/nrXfpn5V9h0

~2d ago

joreg: New user registration is currently disabled as we're moving to a new login provider: https://visualprogramming.net/blog/2024/reclaiming-vvvv.org/

~9d ago

joreg: vvvvTv S02E03 is out: Logging: https://youtube.com/live/OpUrJjTXBxM

~11d ago

~13d ago

joreg: Follow TobyK on his Advent of Code: https://www.twitch.tv/tobyklight

~16d ago

joreg: vvvvTv S02E02 is out: Saving & Loading UI State: https://www.youtube.com/live/GJQGVxA1pIQ

~16d ago

joreg: We now have a presence on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/vvvv-group

~23d ago

joreg: vvvvTv S02E01 is out: Buttons & Sliders with Dear ImGui: https://www.youtube.com/live/PuuTilbqd9w

~30d ago

joreg: vvvvTv S02E00 is out: Sensors & Servos with Arduino: https://visualprogramming.net/blog/2024/vvvvtv-is-back-with-season-2/

~30d ago